chapter twenty-two.

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I don't hear anything. Nothing seems amiss. But Nik is tense, on high alert, and that is enough to put me on edge as well.

We are crammed in the narrow stairwell leading up to the penthouse, my body pressed tightly against his. His arm has snaked its way around my waist and holds me steady.

"Nik?" I whisper, feeling like I shouldn't even dare to breathe.

"We're leaving, now," he states and I feel him prepare to run. But then a shadow looms at the bottom of the staircase. An imposing man I haven't seen before.

Nik turns, putting himself in between me and the newcomer.

"He's waiting for you in the penthouse," the newcomer says, voice deep. "You best go up."

Nik is as tense as possible in front of me, but when he speaks there isn't even the slightest hint of strain in his voice. "Of course. I'm glad he's here."

Who? Who the hell are they talking about?

Nik turns and takes my arm. "Come on." He tugs me up the staircase, the newcomer following close behind.

We enter the penthouse and I immediately see a man lounging back on the couch, a glass of red wine in his hand. At least, I think it's wine...

I have seen this man before, at the charity ball all those nights ago.

"Sebastien," Nik greets. "I'm glad you made yourself at home."

From the kitchen, a woman steps out and she and the man who cornered us on the staircase guard the hallway. Blocking any attempts to escape.

We're trapped.

I look up at Nik, praying that he's got some clever way to get us out of here, but he is focused entirely on Sebastien.

"You and I have had our differences over the years, Nikolai," Sebastien says. He has a French accent and wears a three piece suit, his midnight hair gelled back. "You've always thought you were better than me."

"That's not true," Nik replies. "I've always known I was better than you."

Sebastien grins, but it is strained. "Despite the fact that I'm older."

Nik shrugs, sliding his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "Older is overrated."

"Well, I might have to agree with you there. The Council of Elders seems to have lost its way," Sebastien says. "All this talk of peace with the werewolves. Tell me you're not buying into it, Nik."

"You've always hated the wolves. Who was it they killed again?"

Sebastien's face goes steely. "My Kindred, in the fourteenth century. She wasn't even twenty-five and they tore her apart, left her body scattered."

Nik makes a slightly disinterested sound. I blanch at the description. That's horrific.

"Peace with the werewolves is futile. They're animals and inferior beings and we both know it. And she..." Sebastien points straight at me, "is a symbol of this supposed peace."

"She's just a human, Sebastien. Nothing more."

"She's Kindred and a mate. We both know that isn't nothing."

"It's a coincidence."

Sebastien chuckles, shaking his head. "Come on, Nik. You've been alive too long to still believe in coincidences."

Nik says nothing to this, so Sebastien takes another long sip of his drink.

"When was the last time you stayed here?" He asks conversationally, like we're all old friends.

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