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It was a great time being in Switzerland for Jisoo. Things had been stressful at home for the last few days, so being away from home had made her feel much better.

Though the meetings had been quite exhausting but each time she went for sightseeing after that, the tiredness is gone and replaced with excitement. Jisoo loves being in different countries because she gets to see the views and explore the whole city.

Jisoo had a great night going around the town with Patricia, Haein's secretary. Both of them had a night stroll along the Interlaken to enjoy the views. Haein couldn't tag along with them as he went to visit Randall Elsey, the owner of Elsey Media. The three of them had planned to go around the city tomorrow before Gala dinner.

Taehyung on the other hand, would call his wife every now and then, just to chevk on her. Usually Jisoo would always pick up his calls but when she was in the meeting, she would text him a message and went unavailable for the next few hours. Much to his dismay.

Truthfully he had been sulking the whole day because Jisoo hadn't texted him back or picked up his calls. He hates being away from her, not being able to see her. She would be back in 2 days but a day without her feels like an entire year for him. He just couldn't wait for to come back. And he would do anything to make it up for those times he had upset her.

"You know, you need to stop paving back and forth like a lose puppy" it was the first thing Jennie said when she came back.

Jennie had called Taehyung earlier this morning if he could stay and watch Tae-Ho for a bit as she had an appointment in the hospital. She left Taehyung and Tae-Ho in her house before she went to have a monthly check up.

Taehyung had stayed with Tae-Ho, spending time playing with his toys and cars and now he was fast asleep in his room.bHe had tried to contact his wife afterwards but there was no response from her. A few hours ago she had texted him a message, telling him that she was going to be in a meeting so she wouldn't be able to answer his calls. But it's been 6 hours since her last text and she hasn't text him back.

"Why are you looking so anxious?" Jennie asked earning a look from Taehyung. "It's Jisoo, she hasn't called in 6 hours now"

"Have you tried to call her?"

"She's in the meeting. She will call me when it's done" Jennie nodded her head in response, placing the groceries that she just bought on the way home on the kitchen counter. She was unsure if Taehyung wanted to stay for dinner but she didn't mind buying extra foods.

"Do you wanna stay for dinner?, I bought some Chinese takeaway", she asked, hoping he was agree to stay for dinner. She had felt a bit lonely, so have someone to talk is all she wanted right now. Taehyung nods in response, he was not so hungry but he need to talk somwtjing with her about Tae-Ho. Jennie served the foods as Taehyung took a seat on the chair.

"So... how's the medical check up?" Taehyung couldn't help but asked. When Jennie told him that she was going to the hospital, he couldn't help but feeling slightly worried.

Jennie look at her plate, somehow lost her appetite. "Pretty much still the same like the last time. They said i'm gonna need to get another chemo soon" Taehyung felt bad to hear that from her. He couldn't imagine the pain she was bearing with her illness. Sometimes he saw her holding her head like she was in pain or she just being lethargic. To be honest, she didn't look so well.

"You will beat it, Jen. I know you can do it" he knew there's nothing he could do to help, but at least a couraging speech would mean a lot for her

Jennie gave him a faint smile. "Thanks, Tae. I really hope so"

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