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It has been 2 days since the talk. None of Taehyung and Jisoo were willing of talk, or at least Taehyung tried. He had tried to talk to her, to sort things out but everytime they did Taehyung always ended up saying things that driven Jisoo even further.

Jisoo has gotten tired to explain to him that all she wants is for him to communicate with her. No matter how hard she tried, Taehyung seemed to not understand. She chose to stay silent and let things go the way he wants. She will stop mending everything he does, because that's what he wants.

Taehyung kept tossing on his bed, trying to get some sleep but his mind wouldn't let him rest after everything that happened.  He physically and mentally tired but he couldn't fall asleep. He wanted to solve their problems but ended up having another problem to argue instead. He had to admit, Jisoo was right, he needs to communicate with her, he needs to talk things to her. It's just hard because he is not used to share everything with other people. But he is willing to try.

Jisoo was ready to go to work, she had decided to try her new dress that she bought recently. She needed a fresh start to start the day, that is by wearing one of her new dresses. She smiled at herself in the mirror as she thought she look nice in her new dress. 

She went downstairs to the kitchen going to get some sandwiches but saw that Taehyung was already there drinking his coffee. Not wanting to ruin her fine morning by arguing with him again, she decide to go straight to work instead. But of course, Taehyung saw her going to the front door and he stopped her.

"Aren't you going to eat first?" He asked making the brunette girl stop on her track. But Jisoo didn't turn to face him.

"I'm not hungry" was all she said before she walked out of the house and went to work. She kinda felt bad to treat her husband like that but she felt better this morning and didn't want him to ruin that good mood of her.

Taehyung let out a sigh as he watched his wife left the house. He hated that things drove his wife away from him. He hated the silent and cold treatment he has been receiving from her. He wanted to go back to their old life when they were happy and love each others.

Jisoo did her works as usual,.she was glad that the thought of Taehyung and their problem didn't really bother her today.

"Steve and I are going to have a BBQ this evening after work, come join us" Bona Saud leaning her back on the chair.

"That's nice, Jisoo are you coming?" Do-Jun turn to ask Jisoo. "Cause I don't want to be the third wheel between this two" He added.

That made Jisoo and Bona to laughed. "Sure, I'll come" A BBQ evening with her bestfriend would be a nice way to end the day.

"Jisoo, boss is asking for you" Haein's secretary informed her, earning a nod from Jisoo. They both head to their boss's office before his secretary left to her desk beside his room.

"You're asking for me?"

"Yes, Jisoo come sit" She closed the door behind her and took a seat on the chair in front of him. Haein put the newspaper aside to look at her.

" I apologize in advance for this. It's a short  notice but we are leaving to Switzerland tomorrow for 3 days. We have 2 meetings, one with Lionel and his team, and another one with Elsey Media and we are also invited to a Gala dinner on Sunday" Haein explained, hoping it won't surprise her much with their sudden schedule.

It was really a short notice for Jisoo. She was not even sure if Taehyung was okay for her to go. She wanted to ask him about it before agreeing with Haein. Why would she bother to him about it, when she can decide it for herself? It's what he did to himself as well, didn't he?

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