chapter 10: Welcome gift

Start from the beginning

İt's almost 7pm, rain's mom left and let them rest saying goodbye she'll send a car tomorrow to pick them so they can spend time together at her house where rain grew up...

She also wanted to give them space not wanting them to feel uncomfortable, they're young and probably want to feel free, to do things on their own. She trusts rain enough to let him move alone in another country so after hearing he met someone so good she's more than happy and at ease...

Both phayu and rain are very tired they just bathed and ate quickly and went to bed, time zone plus the long trip have an effect on them, so they need a lot of rest.

The next day they woke up fresh and ready to start a new day. Rain was the one to be up first, he saw phayu sleeping so peacefully, his handsome morning face always amazes rain, phayu is everything he needed in his life and he's not going to let him go.

He went to the bathroom and gets ready, after that he wants to prepare breakfast for them even if he never cooked he wants to try something and surprise phayu.

He is so focus, checking everything at least they have all he needs in the kitchen he'll try to make some sandwiches. He cuts vegetables, saucisse, cheese and tomatoes plus eggs. He did everything so carefully and toast the bread then put everything together on the plate...

"Oufff this is super hard how can people cook everyday" he said to himself.

İt's just sandwiches but he's already complaining the amount of efforts he has to put on it. He remembers phayu likes coffee in the morning so he made it for him and boiled milk for himself.

Going back to the room, he places the plate on the bedside...

"My love P'Phayu" rain whispered to phayu's ear, his little finger rubbing his cheek.....

Phayu slowly opens his eyes to the beautiful face, rain is an angel he can't get enough of him, his beauty, his kind soul, his great personality everything about the boy is just so amazing...

"Good morning sweet boy" phayu said with his morning voice pulling him close by his waist, rain adores that it turns him on so bad.

"Good morning handsome" rain whispered pecking his lips

"You're in good mood baby boy"

"Yes, because I'm happy to share this side of my life with you"

"What do you want to show me huh i already know the best part of you how to make you squirm" phayu tease

"Stop" rain slaps his arm

"Did you make this yourself" phayu point at the plate

"Yes, i don't know if it tastes good, take a bite first" he gave him the sandwich

Phayu takes few bites and drinks his coffee, but still not saying anything. Rain feeling nervous asking himself if it's delicious.

"Say something, do you like it"


"What humm, P'Phayu"

"Let me finish eating first, can i?.. you should eat it too"

"Huh okay okay drink more coffee"

After about 15 to 20min, phayu has done eating, rain also almost done drinking his milk, for him the sandwich is not bad, he likes it but phayu opinion matters the most....

"Eat slowly, why are you so stressed baby, drink your milk"

"Uhm I'm done" rain said quickly...

"Come here"

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