"Are you meeting Jimin? He's back right?" Namjoon blurts out and immediately slams his hand in front of his mouth. He looks back at Jin, who smirks and looks at me. My eyes jump between the two.

"Oh come on, as if I didn't know." Jin snorts after a short silence. "Entire South Korea knows."

I look at him while my eyes grow larger and larger, until I for some reason just burst out laughing. The whole situation has gotten so out of hand that I just don't know how to react to it anymore. Luckily Seokjin and Namjoon start laughing with me. If only Jimin could laugh about it as well, then I'd be at peace.

"Yeah... I'm going to see Jimin." I admit after our laughter has died out. My cheeks warm up and I look down, as if that's going to hide my blush.

"Ooohh!" Jin claps. "Yoongi has a daaaate!"

"It's not a date." I mumble.

"Right, after getting a blowjob on the backseat of a car it's not really called dating anymore is it?" Jin teases.

"Yaa!" I reply sternly while folding my arms, but I can't help but start laughing again. Namjoon takes my side and lightly punches Jin in the stomach, who pretends to be badly hurt. I have to admit I miss hanging out with these two, but my desire to be with Jimin is stronger.


Jimin's apartment always makes me want to snoop around and look at all his possessions piece by piece. Nothing is displayed for the purpose of being seen by others, it's just perfectly placed for him to be used or reminded of special memories. It's the opposite of pretentious. It feels warm and comfortable. The colours aren't coordinated but it all just matches perfectly.

I sit on the floor at the coffee table while Jimin fetches the pizza from the delivery guy. With my back turned to the door I only hear him greet and thank him. The door closes and his little feet shuffle back to right behind me before I can see him again next to me. He sits down on the floor as well and lays out the pizza boxes on the table.

"Let's eat!" He says excitedly. We dig in and eat silently for a moment.

"So," I start the conversation again with my mouth full of cheesy pizza, "you where talking about the drive back to Seoul."

"Ah yeah! Kookie was in the back of the bus talking on the phone. We all thought he was talking to Tae, so I walked up to him and grabbed his phone to ask Tae to leave his boyfriend alone for a moment so he can spend time with us... But it was his mom!" Jimin drops his face into his palm. "I almost outed him to his mom!"

"Oh shit, Jimin-ie, that's pretty fucked up." I chuckle.

"I knooow! I felt so bad... Luckily I managed to convince his mom it was a joke. But how could I be so stupid?"

"Was Jungkook upset?"

"Yeah... I apologise to him every day." Jimin pouts.

"I'm sure he has forgiven you already." I try to comfort him. "I would forgive you instantly if you'd look at me like that."

"Like what?" Jimin tilts his head slightly.

"With that pout of yours." I point my slice of pizza at his mouth.

"My pout?"

"Aren't you aware of your pout?" I ask while guiding my greasy slice back into my mouth to take a bite.


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