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The council gathered in the church after nightfall, we were arguing about going after Daryl, no brainer right? I mean I'm his soulmate I should want him back, but, we can't be rash. We have kids. Our kids and Daryl would kill us if something happened to them "let's gear up, I want double the watch on the catwalk, everyone walks around with a gun and knife, well set up safety points in each direction from the place" everyone went quiet and looked at me, Rick. was in the middle of the group and I was off to the side leaning on the wall

"We need Daryl, we get him first then-" I cut Rick off "no, arm up first" Abe, Rosita and the general looked at each other "what's with you, you've been putting this off all winter?" I sighed, me and Rick were in another little argument. I've been putting off getting Daryl all winter, whenever it was brought up I always said no, Daryl is smart. If I know him and I'd like to think I do , he already has a plan. "I'm waiting for the right time, and now is not it" I looked at rick and I really didn't want a marriage squabble to happen in a council meeting, we've gotten better at talking it out and he's stopped walking away when mad but we still have them.

"I am putting it off but-" this time it was Rick that cut me off "don't you want him back, cause it feels like you don't" my jaw clenched, that was a low blow Rick, even for you "what's wrong" the general butted in to change the topic "she has a feeling" Rosita answered for me "I have a feeling" i agreed. The three of them looked at each other "something bad is going to happen or this could go wrong feeling?" father Gabe asked.

"Something bad is going to happen, it's always that, her dam super power" Abe looked like he was starting to panic, he ran his hand over his moustache and his eyes went right to Rosita, she looked back at him with the same worry. "Jesus" I muttered and they looked at me, they didn't need to talk for me to know" Rosita you're out, no more runs, nothing. You're staying in and making sure shit gets done in the walls" she nodded at me and the others just looked round not knowing what to do "I'll take first watch tonight, tomorrow we're setting out a team, Carol, Abe and Rick you'll go on a run. There's a shop that's swarmed and I want you to check it out, well start stocking up on food incase we have to hold out inside the walls for a few days"

The cold air filled my lungs, the fur on my winter coat gently swayed with the wind and tickled my neck, "Can we talk?" Rick handed me a cup of coffee "we always can, you know that" I took a sip than offered it back to him "why do you keep putting off getting Daryl" I cupped my hands over my mouth and breathed my hot air into it "I need you to not get mad" he grunted "I'll try"

"He's my inside man, once a week me or Abe cover ourselves in guts and Daryl meets us at a fence, gives me what information he can" Rick scoffed and set the coffee mug down "are you serious, that's our mate not some secret government mission, you can't keep these things from me, what if he gets caught? Or if one of you gets killed think your walkers? What than" I already thought about those, but if it meant getting the upper hand and Carl, Judy and the twins were safe it's a risk the three of us were willing to pay "I'm sorry-" he cut me off again

"You're sorry? Well that fixes it doesn't it? Everything's better now" he shook his head and leaned his hands on the railing "what the hell is your problem? I let it go when the world was fine but you can't keep this from me anymore, there is no you and your team anymore there's us against them and we cant have an us if you don't tell me anything" I don't think I've seen Rick this mad, its valid though. I know I should have told him but he wouldn't let it happen "Daryl's fine"

"No he's not, he was taken from us probably being tortured and your sitting here doing secret missions" my gaze landed on the rapidly cooling mug of stale coffee "he's sheltered from the elements and their feeding him, in this world that's fine" he growled, I've never heard him do that outside the bedroom, he must be really mad "god its like you don't even care about us, you just use him for your secret missions you don't let anyone in on" I looked down at my feet and tried to stop my breath from shaking, I didn't want him to see the hurt on my face. "You really think that?" I asked him softly

"Yeah I do" a chilling silence filled the space, it just lingered for an uncomfortable amount of time "I have a walk around to do then I'll be home to take care of the kids" I sniffled and started walking the catwalk. 

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