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 Rick pov

A date wasn't supposed to be hard, I've been on them before, just not with my soulmate. It was easy with Lori and the other girls, but this? My hands are sweating, my mouth is dry and I haven't even picked her up yet. It was supposed to be a simple date to the movies but here I was so nervous that I couldn't even decide what flowers to get her.

I wring my hands and stared at the classic roses and the wildflower bouquets. y/n didn't seem like the person that would really care what flowers I got her and she seemed wilder than sophisticated.

With the bouquet of wildflowers on the passenger seat of my old car I drove to her place, it was a small two-story house, the garden out front was mowed and the flower bed looked like she tried to plant something but gave up.

I stood just a foot from her door and it took a few times of back and forth before I actually knocked. It was one of those softer knocks, one that said "I'm here but it's too soft it's ok to ignore it" knicks. I was equal parts hoping she'd answer or just ignore me. I wiped my free hand on my pants palm side to wipe off the nerves and clammy feeling that gathered there.

It only took a few seconds for me to hear her soft footsteps, they are soft enough that if I wasn't actively trying to see if she actually came to the door I wouldn't have heard them, but they also had a firmness to them, that every step she took was a deliberate one and she knew what she was doing.

Her door opened and for a second he face was stern almost agitated that someone would bother her at this time of the day, then she registered it was me and smile "Rick" She moved out of the way and opened the door wider, stepping inside was a little surprising, it looked like a bachelor pad, there was little furniture and what further there was, was just the necessities, the only thing that stuck out was the pile of brightly colored toys in the corner of the living room overflowing from the bin that was too small to hold them.

Clearing my throat I looked at her, I've always read the papers and other books on how things change when you meet your soulmate, it's like they're the most beautiful person you ever saw, how if you loved someone before you met them that love was gone ad nonexistent anymore "I...uh" I cleared my throat and ran my hand through my brown curls "I got you flowers" she smiles as I held them out and took them "thank you" she walked off to the kitchen

The cold and wet forest floor soaked into my knees as I looked down I was silently trembling Negan took y/n god knows where to do god knows what, we know she can defend herself, but even she used to say to Beth "you might think you can take them on, but you'll never fully overpower a grown man, it just won't work, If you want to get away you have to outsmart him with your mind, not your muscles because he will always beat you in a battle between muscles" she knew what she was doing, at least I hoped she did, I stole a glance at Daryl's worried eyes and he gave me a small nod, he knew it too but his eyes were terrified, i looked back down to the ground, the only way we could tell she was still alive was from the soul mark, they turn grey when your soulmate dies and y/n's was still black.

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