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Rick pov

"Come on dad!" Carl ran into the back yard running past his father who carried lumber for the tree house the two of them were going to make "do you think mama's going to like it" Rick smiled at the name, Carl was 3 when Rick deemed him old enough for the tree house, he still called Lori mom so y/n received the mama title, Rick saw the sparkle in her eye every time he called her that.

"She's going to love it bud" Carl's smile grew bigger if that was even possible "hey little man" Shane leaned his forearms on the gate, Rick didn't like him, though he really didn't have a reason other than his ex-wife started dating him after their divorce. Carl looked up to him so they felt bad cutting Shane out of his life, plus it's hard to avoid the man when he lives across from you.

"Did you come to help?" he shot Rick a questioning look, he still respected Rick's boundaries and didn't overstep "could use an extra hand getting these beams up" Shane wanted to try and repair what was left of their friendship but the both of them knew that wasn't possible so they kept it civil for Carl.

It took them all day to get the thing mostly finished, Rick still needed a few more boards for the roof, and Shane left around lunch after all of the two-person work was done so they could have some father-son time "can't wait to see mama's face when she sees it" the two of them were horsing around in the tree house when their commotion caused the ladder to fall. The two poked their heads down the hole "that's not good" rick shook his head "nope" Carl's smile was still so big Rick wondered how his cheeks didn't hurt

"When's mama coming home?" The tree house was small enough that Rick's feet reached Carl's when they sat on opposite sides and stretched their legs "not for another week" Rick could tell how much he missed y/n. They talked about her getting transferred to desk duty until she got hand-picked for training for some sort of special forces. It came with a promotion and a raise and they could use the extra money, especially with all of the baby talk they've been having.

"So this is where the two of you are" Rick looked over to the opening to see y/n sticking her head into the tree house "mama!" Carl dashed over to her and hugged her head "your home early" she nodded climbing in "finished training, I got it" Rick smiled at Carl sitting in y/n's lap showing her the spare nails he had in his pocket "you two had fun today" she said looking around admiring their handiwork "mmhmm uncle Shane helped too" Carl beamed up at her "he did? Did you have fun helping" Carl over-exaggerated his nod "hey hon" Rick looked back up at his wife he leaned over to look threw the opening "you didn't fix the ladder" she just shrugged and the three of them spent a few hours staring at the stars threw the half-finished roof, getting down would be a problem for later.

I wiped the tear from my eyes i leaned on the wall looking out the window at Daryl proudly holding the twins, he kissed each one on the forehead and passed them back to Sasha and Michonne. Carl was still out, if I knew what this world was going to be I would have frozen time at that moment when we were the happiest "how's he doing' " Daryl sat in the chair beside me i didn't even hear the door open, y/n was home with Judy "good, doc said he might be up in a few days, she's done what she could, it's up to carl now" I sat on his lap and his hands went to the small of my back and the other on my thigh, his thumb caressed the rough fabric of the jeans, i leaned my forehead on his and we sat there in silence.

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