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I walked in front of him, I wanted to see his face, anyone can and will give away when they're lying, all you had to do was know how to read people, when rick lied his left eye twitch, Randal will be no different especially now that he's in a high stress situation the he won't be able to hide them "What's your name" the kids adam's apple bubbled up and down when his swallowed "Ran-Randall" he stuttered, I picked at the point end of one of the wood pieces I carved "How old are you"

"20" I nodded, so far so good there's a difference between nervous ticks and ones that happened when you lied "and Where's your group Randall" it took him longer to answer this time, he looked even more nervous  "I-I don't know, they-they left me man" I walked behind him and slowly inserted a sliver of wood between the nail and the skin, the scream he let out reminded me of the old days.

"How many" he swallowed "30 men, a few women" a few women, that was odd I thought "What do they do when they find other groups" he didn't answer just avoided eye contact, I sighed and put another peace in another finger "Answer me" he whimpered and his breathing picked up, this time he didn't scream as loud

"Kill the men, rape the women, but I...I...I never did that I sware, I hated what they did that" shit I gnawed on my bottom lip and looked at the back of my head one bulled right now, he'd never see it coming I shook the thoughts from my head and left the barn. I left the wood in his hands. Rick ran up to me but I continued to the firepit where everyone was sitting. "Got 30 men, few women. They kill the men, and the women will wish they were with '' Maggie handed me a wet rag and I wiped my hands off, there usually isn't blood but apparently this kid had some thin skin. "Is that blood?" That tiny voice was Carl.

"Skinned some rabbits for supper" I winked at him, he was a smart kid so I'm surprised that worked, Carol was still avoiding me, I think she blames me for not protecting her daughter enough. She should have been out there Sophia's not mine. "What did you do to him" Rick pulled me off to the side out of earshot, "torture, the same Daryl was going to do" ricked sighed, her looked mad but what was I supposed to do have a friendly talk with the kid, "its fine" rick mumbled and his left eye twitched

"But This ain't happening again, you're not doing that, you need to start thinking about this baby" he pointed to the barn as he poked with gritted teeth ''You think I'm not? He's dangerous Rick, you and I both know I'm the only one here who could do it this efficiently without beating the kid half to death, or did you forget what I did before the world went to shit" he walked off pissed, why did it take the end of the world for my marriage to start to break off "ye alright sweet cheeks" how long was merle standing there "fine Dixon''

Later that night we all decided to kill Randall, I was in with Hershel while he checked me over to make sure everything was ok. I told Hershel about the baby, well more like Maggie stared daggers at me until I did.

I walked outside, the night air was cool. "Where's Carl?" Dale shrugged and pointed to the fire "he was there a minute ago" that was frustrating, "I asked you to watch him". Just as I started looking for him Rick pulled Carl from the barn. "What happened?" I met them halfway "go sit with Maggie '' Rick was seething "He... He told me to do it" they didn't kill him "Rick" I spoke sternly, it needed to be done him and his group is a threat to us

"He watched me and told me to kill him" I shook my head and watched Maggie put a hand on carl's shoulder and walk him inside "Rick it needs to be done, he's a danger to all of us" he gave me the 'I know' look, he's not gonna do it, "shit" I pulled his python from the holster and made my way to the barn "y/n!" Rick called after me and I just shut my brain off. I was on autopilot, a soldier back on the battlefield that needed to protect her team.

Randell tried to back away and be as small as possible by shrinking into the wall, Daryl and Shane looked at me, and it took all of 30 seconds, I walked in aimed, and shot, his body hit the ground with a thud "y/n" they looked at me "it had to be done" The two of them avoided me that night, why am I always the bad guy all of a sudden "here" Glenn handed me a plate of food "I might just take you up on your offer" he nodded "with your luck, it'll be ok" I just gave him a look "my luck?"

"Think about it, you were on your own since this thing started, your dead husband comes back, you find your son and in the same hour you find your other soul mate, your one lucky person" when he puts it that way I guess I am "maybe"

Shane took Rick out in the woods after dark, Daryl was teaching Carl how to skin a rabbit, and the others were singing around the campfire. I was about to join them when I felt the cold end of the barrel on the back of my head again "walk" Lori, what is it with this woman and holding me at gunpoint.

"Stop" we were far enough away from the house but still close enough I could see the glow from the fire clearly. "Carl is my son, he's mine" she kept waving the gun around sane people I can handle but someone who's on a revenge path? There's no one more dangerous "Lori, we gave you the option of staying in his life, you wanted out, and you picked Shane over your son"

That made her angrier, oops "you stole him from me, you stole my husband, my-my family, my life" her put the side of the gun to her forehead, it looked like she was having an internal battle of whether to kill me or not after a few moments her finger went to the trigger and she pointed it at me, and just before she fully pulled it someone ran and took her out, the gunshot echoed across the farm, I fell holding my shoulder meaning, "are you ok, y/n" it was Glenn he's always saving my ass "the baby?"

"Fine, hit my shoulder" he dragged me up leaving Lori behind. Groans came behind us "we gotta go" he grabbed my arm and ran faster to the farm house "Carl!" I shouted looking for him. I couldn't find him anywhere. "Where's Carl?" Maggie and Carol met us "he's probably with Rick-" i turned to carol "probably? You were watching him" if he... If he dies, it's all my fault "we got to go" the RV was over by the barn that was on fire, I couldn't make out anything. Both Glenn and Maggie dragged me to a car and Glenn got into the driver's seat and took off before I had the door closed. "The highway, go to the highway" I told Glenn while Maggie was putting pressure on the gunshot. "Some luck, I got a pretty boy," he laughed.

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