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Y/n pov

It became quite clear that I had no idea where I was going, I couldn't backtrack to the prison, it was too overrun. The blistering heat didn't help, I had no food and no water. If this kept up I'd die from dehydration, not the walkers. That would probably be better than the feeling of my flesh ripping from my body, though after a certain amount of pain your brain just blocks it out.

The only things I had on me were my knife and a half-loaded pistol. Nothing to help me get out of a jam but enough if I needed to run. There were a few walkers every now and then, so I didn't bother wasting energy on taking them out. I kept talking to myself, just casual conversation, they taught us to so we didn't lose our minds when we were lost or in captivity.

I came across a town just before dusk. A good thing too, as my back was still killing me from sleeping in that tree, the house was clear, fully stocked kitchen. It looked as if this place hadn't been touched since the beginning. I settled in the living room corner after filling a backpack I found in the closet, canned goods and bars, and I snuck in some chocolate too, Carl's favourite. The fireplace was functional,a quick look up the chimney told me that it would be good enough to light a small fire. Just enough to keep the chill out in the night and not alert any passersby that someone was in the house.

A loud banshee scream got me up and running out the door, near the forest was a woman in a black dress and heels. two walkers were after her, one had pushed her onto the ground. I needed my bullets for later so getting close and personal it was, the walker on top of the woman was a kid, a teenager maybe but he was light enough to pull off of the woman and put it down. The second one was a heavy-set black man, by the missing portion of his neck I'd say he went out rather quickly.

"You ok, bit scratched?" the woman shook her head "what the hell are you doing out here dressed like that? At least wear shoes you can run in" I pulled her up from the ground and looked her over for bites or scratches "my husband" there's another one? Where the hell is he, why would he leave her by herself "where is he'' I looked around to make sure no walkers snuck up behind us from her screams "red's diner up the street, if he's still here that's where he'd be'' what does she mean if he were still here, he wouldn't leave his wife, would he? "Gotta name?" she looked scared to tell me, almost like she'd get in trouble for it "Sherry"

"y/n '' I forgot the handshaking formality, in this world, it seemed stupid. Outside the diner were two large trucks, we could hear an angry voice, not shouting but a calm tone that held just enough rage to know whoever was speaking was angry enough to snap any second. "We can go in, or we can run, which is it'' we were far enough away and hidden that we could turn around and not be seen "I have to go in, he won't stop haunting me if I leave" that was something I wasn't expecting to hear "ok"

The tiny jingle of the bell alerted the others to our presence, "I thought I told you-" a man wearing a leather jacket and heled a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire turned to us "well shit, what the fuck happened to you, that's shits fucking terrifying" I wasn't paying him much attention, I locked eyes with Phillip, but I knew him as the governor. He was beaten to shit and on his knees, my body moved on its own. I was two steps in front of him my pistol raised and a bullet put threw his head before anyone knew what was going on "what the fuck was that woman"

I turned my gun to the man, his men's guns all clicked telling me they were trained on me if I killed him "it's major" he put his hands up in surrender "why'd ya kill him major, I was just getting started" nis stubble covered cheek moved up in a smirk "He tied me up and beat the shit out of me, am I not allowed to kill him" he was thinking it over but the look in his eye told me he already made up his mind "Negan, she saved me" sherry spoke up "saved you, you were supposed to be in the fucking truck, I'll deal with you later"

Negan turned back to me "what do you want? Wanna come back with me, be my right hand? I'd offer you a spot at one of my wives but ya look like the type of gal that likes to get her hands dirty" wives? So he has some to spare, that's sick "No thanks" he looked more confused than anything "then tell me what the fuck you want, major"

"An IOU, if we ever meet again, I'll tell you then" he nodded and I went on my merry way, looking for my family.

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