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Rick pushed Jessie away from him "Rick I need you for a minute" I had my arms crossed over my chest while I eyed Jessie. She knew full well he was a married man. On our walk back to the road Rick tried several times to explain what happened "it's fine Rick, I saw what happened, I'm not mad, at you"

Later that afternoon me and Rosita were teaching a group how to hold a gun, Jessie was horrible I had to correct her several times and she was still holding it wrong "don't close your eye, your creating a blind spot" she rolled her eyes for the fifth time this lesson "do you have a problem with me"

I will admit I was a bit crude with her when speaking "you kissed my husband, of course, I have a problem with you, now gun up" I adjusted her arms while a look of horror spread on her face, I just told half the town what she did and no doubt by the end of the day the other half would know as well. I gave her a smirk before moving onto the next person.

"They weren't as bad as I thought" Rosita commenced watching everyone pile into the cars, we went far from the town for training, we didn't need walkers to be attracted by the sound. "I've taught worse" shoving my bag in the trunk I could feel her eyes on the back of my head "what?" we piled into the car waiting for everyone else to start their cars "did she really?"

"Ya, I wonder what's going to happen now" the rest of the drive was silent, I didn't feel like talking, just wanted to go home and sleep "hey" I hummed half listening "are you sure your three months? You're a bit big" she did have a point it's been three months since I found out "don't know, it's hard to tell nowadays, it would be easier if they could fix the ultrasound"

The scratch check was quick, which meant I could curl up in bed faster. "Hey" both Rick and Daryl ran up to me, I couldn't read their faces. I'm not going to get my nap, am I? We sat in the hospital waiting for Denise "back already? You just had a check yesterday" doc had an amused look on her face "got the machine working' yet'' Daryl was the first to speak "no, but that doesn't mean I can't do a check-up the old fashion way" Everything was fine, just like it was yesterday, I get we can't be too careful these days but it's a little much and a waste of doc's time.

The sun was at about 4 in the evening by the time we left. Carl and Enid walked down the street holding hands, we let her move in as long as they didn't do anything while we were home and when they did they were safe about it. "What do ya think it is'' I was in the middle holding their hands ''don't care, I just want them healthy" Rick nodded in agreement "what do you want?'' The three of us just assumed it was going to be Daryl's. All the signs pointed to it anyway.

"A girl" I wasn't expecting that "just don't spoil her too much" I knew that wasn't going to happen the second I said it "do you think Merle's still alive?'' We lost track of him after the prison, Daryl shrugged "don't know, maybe" I hope he is, he's the only family Daryl has besides us.

After dinner Carl had a night watch and Enid wanted to go with him, so it was just the three of us. We were all tired so it didn't take long for the room to be full of snores.

Three against  the worldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя