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Carl's pov

I didn't want to admit I was scared of talking to her but I was, she didn't scare me it was the fact I haven't really talked to people outside the group before. When dad has it always turned out to try to kill us or feed him to their dead husband, I didn't want to think Enid was a terrible person but you can't be too sure in this world anymore.

"Hey kid" Daryl leaned on the house beside me "what ya creepin for?" your one to say "I'm not creeping" he lit a smoke "You've been watching her for the past hour, ya creepin" I shot him a glare before walking off to find mom, and Daryl followed she'd help, right? She was standing beside Dianna while some people tried to scrub the blood away "wonder what that's about" I shrugged as we watched on "do you think she'll kick us out? I mean moms-"

"Don't worry about that, worry about talking to ya girl" he left after giving me a hard pat on the shoulder "hey" I nearly jumped out of my skin, I was too busy watching mom trying to hear what they were talking about I didn't hear her walk up behind me "Jesus" I muttered. Her smile reached her eyes, her nose crinkled in a cute way and the little giggle she did made my heart stop.

I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks so I turned away to see mom marching off, I hoped the brim of my hat hid my face but probably not. She just stood there looking at me, what the hell am I supposed to do? I tried to hide my face more by looking to my left but all I saw was mom, Daryl, and dad smiling and giving me thumbs up.

y/n pov

The three of us smiled when Carl walked away his face beet red, Enid looked a little disappointed but a smile quickly grew on her face before she went walking off into the direction of the pond "this is going to be fun" Rick shook his head "never thought Carl was shy" it looked like Maggie and Glenn also saw what just happen, Glenn was holding his stomach from laughing so hard and Maggie gave him a slap on the head

"Do you think she's going to listen to us now?" Rosita came up behind us between the two houses, Rick and Daryl jumped, it was small but I still saw it "hopefully, I'm surprised the two of you found that many" we shared a fist bump "wait you planned that" I knew Rick wasn't going to like it "people could have gotten hurt"

"Why are you so surprised? The two of you were talking with them about the plan by the pond remember?" he let out a heavy sigh "I didn't think you'd already have it going" I shrugged "she's already got a few plans on the go" Ford popped out on the other side of us "just need to wait for them to happen 'naturally'" I winked at my boys and made my way to the house, I was in need of a shower and a nap.

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