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 Y/n pov

Me and Carl sat on the steps of the large stone building "are you and dad going to get a divorce" I sighed, I thought of that too especially after what I said to Negan "I don't know, I said something I shouldn't have even if it was to by time understandably he's upset, and with Daryl gone I don't know" Carl seemed to be thinking it over "you didn't mean it did you"

This was the part I know I couldn't lie "not than no, but at some point on the rode after terminus I thought it would be better if all of you were dead so you wouldn't have to starve or kill for your next meal" Carl's jaw clenched, I always told Carl the truth if it wasn't what he wanted to hear. I wanted the truth from him so it wasn't fair if I didn't do the same "it didn't last long though right'' there was a small spark of hope in his eye, one that said he'd forgive me for thinking that "only lasted a few seconds promise" I stood after kissing the top of his head "go to bed, you'll need your strength for tomorrow" we were heading back to Alexandria tomorrow, Maggie and Glenn would stay here.

Rick drove with Carl in the passenger seat, I laid on the bed in the back trying to ignore the burning pain in my body, no one spoke or made a noise occasionally Rosita would come back to check on me, she sat with me for most of the trip my head in her lap and she soothingly pet my hair. "You're not ok, you need rest when we get back," she whispered to me. "That obvious huh," my chuckles turned into coughing and wincing, "I know you, Abe knows you. We know when your hiding something and if the general knows his brother-"

"Enough" I cut her off "you'll tell the general nothing, I got hurt at hilltop if he goes poking around" she sighed, she was protective of her family I knew that and I knew it was taking every bit of self control to not go and kill Negan "you good marshmallow?" Abe leaned on the door frame "I'm laying on a hot girl's lap and she's giving me all her attention, never been better" the three of us lowly chucked

Carl pov

Mom was laughing with Rosita and Abe at the back of the RV I looked at dad "she didn't mean it you know, mom was just-" dad sighed "Carl" dad used the 'shut up' tone all parents had I glared at him and looked forward "she lost Daryl too and now she's losing you" i crossed my arms and looked out the window "What's your point carl" dad was angry, really angry he never took it out on me or mom before "my point is she doesn't need to lose you too" I got up and joined mom at the back, Abe and Rosita left

"Hey kid" mom smiled, I could tell she was hurt she never did tell me what happened when Negan took her "hey" I sat on the bed beside her "Daryl will be ok, nothing-" I sat on the bed "Nothing can kill a Dixon but a Dixon" I finished for her. Mom smiled and nodded "yup, he'll be alright" mom pat my leg and at this point I think she was trying to convince herself more than me

y/n pov

It's been a few days since Negan, Ricks been ignoring me and I don't blame him, Carl's upset at Rick and trying to figure out a way to get Daryl back, Rosita and Michonne are the only ones beside the doc that know my injuries and they've been helping me with the twins, Merles stepped up and is on the council now.

The shower was running as I looked in the mirror at my bruised torso, my ribs were bruised and I still had a bit of a belly from the twins, the bruises were still dark but the edges looked like they were starting to lighten and I hoped I wouldn't have them for long, the house was empty and I kept the bathroom door open for just a moment, being in this world made your paranoid so you needed every chance to escape if the need arise.

A movement caught my attention out of the corner of my eye and I turned to see who it was grabbing ahold of the knife I had put on the sink counter, I froze seeing Rick standing there. His eyes travelled over my bruised body and he looked almost concerned, his mouth opened and closed a few times as if he was going to say something. I just reached for the door and closed and locked it before getting in the shower, the water was ice cold and I just stood there letting the water beat down on my head. The shower wasn't long, just a quick wash. I already wasted water when I had it running before I got in.

Rick was waiting outside the bathroom when I opened the door "y/n'' he sounded concerned and maybe a little guilty "is something wrong, do you need my help?" Rick sighed and followed me into the bedroom "why- did Negan" he trailed off I grabbed some clothes from the dresser, it felt weird not living out of a bag "he hurt me Rick, that's it" I dropped the towel and pulled up my pants, I froze and closed my eyes feeling Ricks calloused fingers caress a bruise on my side "Rick" I whispered. He kissed my shoulder and his hand slid around to my stomach to pull my back against him, he peppered my neck with kisses his stubble sending goosebumps in its path "Rick, this problem can't be solved with sex" he sighed and leaned his forehead on my shoulder, he gave my belly a little squeeze "no it can't" he agreed.

He paused for a moment, the only sound in the room was the muffled noise from outside and Ricks breathing "did-" I could hear the sadness in his voice from just the one word "did you mean it" I felt his brows furrow on my bare shoulder "what you said to Negan, did you mean it?"

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