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y/n pov

"y/n" I dropped the knife and cried. It took a few seconds to get myself together "Daryl?" he grunted, I forced his eyes open with my fingers to see if they were normal or not. They were the bright blue I remembered. "I thought you died." I laid my head on his chest and cried, his hand casme up and patted my head.

He was up and ready to move around by noon. "The scratch" there was still a chance he could be infected "knife, just missed me" I nodded and helped him out of the warehouse "'new ya'd find me" there was a small town nearby, trying to drag Daryl threw the woods was a challenge, it been a while since I had to carry someone. "Oh ya? How"

He shrugged the best he could "just' knew" rolling my eyes at him we broke through the forest, "stay here, i'll get a car" we stared at each other for a few minutes "fine" I dragged him onward. A black pickup caught my attention, and without speaking a word, I got to work hot wiring it while he kept watching "we're a few hours away, eat then rest" he lazily dug threw my bag "sorry" i raised a brow and looked at him "For what?" he looked a little sheepish "Scarin' ya"

Rick's pov

"Still nothing?" Carl was still asleep when I left, the more sleep he got the better "no" Michonne's voice was even but her eyes gave it away, she was scared. The marks on my wrists told me they were still alive.

"You think mom found him" Michonne ruffled Carl's hair, much to his dismay "I know she did'' she put on a brave face for him but the both of us knew not to get too confident, a million things could happen between y/n and us "Maybe they got caught in a herd, if they aren't back by tomorrow I'm going out" i told them and they both looked at me "and do what? You can't track for shit, the only ones who can are out there"

"I can'' we both turned to Carl "since when?" she never told me about teaching him how to track "mom taught me before all this, she'd take me with her when she went out" rubbing the sweat from my brow i looked at him "She got up at 4 am to go out" i said not believing him, he smiled "and we were always back before you woke up, didn't want you getting mad at her for taking me out" I just shook my head "well, your right about one thing, I would have been mad if I knew, but now... I'm grateful she did"

"She'll be back, if not she'll let us know if she's in range" Michonne wiggled the walkie in hand "she has one?" i felt a little better, she just nodded "shoved one in her pack before she left" I patted her shoulder and went to work on the farm "I'm gonna check the snares" Carl called out before she opened the gates to let him threw "I'll go with him" Maggie ran after him

y/n pov

It didn't take long for him to pass out. He was scrunched up with his head on my lap, and my coat over him. I hope Merle is doing ok. Thankfully the ride was quiet, nothing jumped out, and nothing stopped us. I pulled up to the gates where Michonne let up in "welcome home" I nodded to her, we got in just before dusk, and I could smell something good cooking "we there?" Daryl was cute when he grumbled "yup, get up my leg is dead"

"Rick, Carl?" Michonne nodded her head up to the inner courtyard, there my boys were smiling at something merle said, wait merle!??! Daryl took off running to his brother while I stayed behind and watched "when did he get up?"

"Just after you left, Herschel wouldn't let him up till now" Rick smiled at the brothers before it clued in that we were back, "mom!" Carl ran up with little Judy on his hip "hey kid, there's my baby" I plucked her out of his hand and she cooed "welcome home" Rick kissed my temple "glad to be back, Herschel, Daryl needs to be looked at before bed" both men nodded knowing there wasn't a way out of this.

Making sure my kids were tucked into bed, and peacefully sleeping I made my way to the open door down the hall, I leaned on the door frame watching my men get changed "what's this?" they turned and smiled at me "Daryl's idea, were far from everyone and the beds big enough for the three of us" I hummed looking for one of Daryl's shirts, I was back on to them, I still didn't like the way my stomach looked, I know I just had a baby a few months ago but still. I crawled into bed in between the both of them, with my head on Daryl's chest and Rick being the big spoon, "night" they both mumbled back, the three of us were pretty tired.

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