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Y/n pov

I'm not sure what I expected when the general arrived but seeing Negan smile was not it. The two hugged and they both did that pat thing on each other's backs the guys did when they haven't seen each other in a long time. The two talked while I made food as per Negan's request he wanted spaghetti, as long as he didn't mind the pasta was out of date and the sauce was questionable I didn't care.

It was weird, the three of us sat at the table and it was almost as if I could let my guard down this Negan and the Negan from the woods I met a little over an hour ago were completely different, it seemed the murderous rage in his eyes was gone and they were filled with warmth from seeing his brother again.

But like everything else in this world nothing lasts, "I'm not going with you Negan'' The general loved his brother but he also felt a duty to us and his military buddies, Negan's jaw clenched and his smile faded the calm warmth in his eyes gone, his expression was a mixture between a little boy who's older brother stopped hanging out with him and pure anger. The general knew his brother better than any of us but that didn't stop the surprise on his face when he saw Negan's expression. I've seen that man do many things with an emotionless face, some really gruesome things but the look on Negan's face is what broke him. Not good.

Negan stood from the table dragging me up with him, his grip on my arm was territorial, like he was showing his brother who was boss. He dragged me out of the house and shoved me into the RV, Negan got into the driver's seat and we drove back to the forest where the group was. It was deadly silent and I could see the pain in Negan's eyes, no doubt he thought his brother was dead and now he knew he was alive and he didn't want to go with him.

We stopped somewhere in the woods, Negan dragged me into the back of the RV, and I mentally prepared myself for the beating I was sure I was going to get "There are some lines I will not cross y/n" he clenched his teeth so hard I could hear the small sound of his teeth grinding "but I'm going to make an exception for you" the grip he had on my bicep was sure to leave a bruise "Negan just- just calm down" you know how they say that an angry person gets angrier when you tell them to calm down well it's certainly true.

Rick pov

The RV pulled up, Maggie was still moaning and groaning and Glenn was doing his best to calm her down, Negan walked out pulling y/n by the arm, she looked a little shaken but otherwise alright, he walked her over to the spot she was kneeling in before and shoved her so she landed there, I was pissed so was Daryl, so much so Daryl jumped to his feet and punched Negan.

Negan's men pulled Daryl back "Load him up were going" his men moved fast dragging Daryl to a truck and tossing him inside, I checked on Carl, y/n didn't move she kept looking at the ground from her sitting position "I'm fine dad"

Glenn and Maggie went to y/n she shook her head and Glenn helped her up. She staggered a bit but I turned my attention back to Carl "mom?" Carl ran to his mother's side when he saw her lean on Glenn for support. I was concerned but my anger towards her overpowered it and I walked into the RV.

Y/n pov

Glenn helped Maggie to see Hilltop's doctor and I tagged along. Negan beat me pretty well in the RV but kept my face clear for whatever reason.

After my checkup I sat beside Maggie's bed holding my side while Glenn went to see if he could get us some food "Maggie please don't...cry" Maggie wiped her tears and apologized and I just sighed reaching for a towel to wipe the breast milk from my shirt i didn't produce enough for the twins, but i still produced some. I'm going to look for a shirt. I stood and took my time "where are you- oh" Glenn's cheeks went pink as he realized, I chuckled as I left to find someone

"Hey Mom" Carl came up and he also looked a little embarrassed, it wasn't hard to tell my shirt was wet "How's your dad, he ok?" Carl shrugged, "he hasn't said much since we got here" I put my arm over Carl's shoulder and we walked to find the doc. We went off and found the doc, who lent me one of his shirts, I just pulled it over my shirt. Me and Carl walked around the hilltop. It was small but enough for us to walk around in silence. I leaned on him for support but he didn't mind.

Carl bunked with Rick in one of the trailer homes and I stayed with Maggie and Glenn who like the gentleman he is made me take the comfy chair while he sat in the hard wooden one, Maggie was asleep. I and Glenn just watched over her "they'll be ok" he nodded "what-" it looked like Glenn was thinking of how to word what he wanted to say "what did Negan do to you" he was scared, sympathetic and a hint of anger "he didn't rape me Glenn" Glenn's shoulders relaxed and it looked like a weight came off his shoulders "but he hurt you"

I nodded agreeing "Nothing that won't heal, I'm fine doc's orders to take it easy for a while" I could tell Glenn didn't like that answer, it really told him nothing other than I was hurt and on doc's orders.

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