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The cool breeze was a nice break from the heat, Carl hasn't left my side since I woke up a few days ago, Beth takes care of Judith and when she doesn't Rick or Daryl does. It's good to see them bonding with her. I was worried they wouldn't, the Governor is still a problem, he wants the prison but we won't give it to him. Rick and a few others are out at a meeting spot to talk some things over but apparently, Amy is being a problem and telling the Governor that they should kill us. She's still upset over Andrea and who can blame her, we just left her thinking she was dead, and when she found us again we told her her sister died because she thought she was dead.

"Let's go in, it's dangerous being out here while everyone's gone" Carl helped me up off the ground and we made our way into the cell block. Maggie and Carol were making us lunch "pasta with beans, my favourite." I joked with them. For some odd reason it was the only thing I craved while pregnant. "Let me see her." Beth and Maggie shared a look before handing her over. I hated when they did that, even my boys looked at me like that when I wanted to hold her, she was mine after all "we've heard you at night, were just scared something going to happen" Maggie sat beside me talking lowly, reading my mind "I'm not going to hurt her, it's just a nightmare" the look in her eyes told me she didn't believe me "what's it about"

"The day I gave birth to her" I didn't want to think about it, "I had to put her in a box on a high shelf and hoped one of you would hear her, I thought I was going to die, I lost my knife along the way and I was out of bullets, I didn't have anything to stop myself" a few tears fell down my cheeks "in the dream I see myself turn and try to get her, just before I wake up I get a hold of the box" I looked up to face Maggie this time. She looked just as sad, "m sorry" Daryls gruff voice pulled out attention to my boys standing across from us "it's not your fault" I tried to reassure them. "I should have told you before, it's not like I can book an appointment with my therapist anymore" Daryl sat his bow on the table and got on the other side of me. "Wanna take a watch with me tonight" I nodded, not trusting my voice. "Are you sure?" Rick asked me for the seventh time this hour, yes I was counting "Hershel cleared me, I'll be sitting the whole time" he nodded and kissed my forehead "ready" I nodded and healed Daryl's hand the whole way to the tower, he let me go first that way if I fell he could catch me.

We sat outside, my head on his shoulder while he played with the strap on the gun. "How's Merle?" I was told he was still recovering but I haven't seen him yet "still out, got a heartbeat" I hummed, "he'll pull through, the only thing that can kill Merle is Merle'' I played with his fingers waiting for him to say something "I wanted to take ya huntin" I know Daryl's a man of few words but these long pauses are a little uncomfortable, "Rick said ya would beat me" I chuckled at that "I would have, I grew up in the woods, easier to put the home life behind me out there" he grunted

"My old man" his breathing started getting shaky, "wasn't the best. He'd hit us whenever he was angry, me and Merle left soon as we could'' I healed his hand waiting for him to continue "there was a stream out back, we'd sit there till dark hoping' he was sleeping' when we got back" I never realised how similar our childhoods were "my mother didn't work and my father was just mean in general, it was worse after I was born, he thought there was something wrong with me because I wasn't a boy. I ran away and enlisted on my 16th birthday, I had Belle at 20 at found Rick a few years later"

"Do ya think there still out there?" I sat straight up and looked at the stars mentally pointing out the constellations ''they died when I was 18, home invasion" he turned to me, there wasn't a bit of sadness in his eyes, more understanding than anything "would say sorry, but y'know" I was hopelessly in love with this man "have you and Rick, y'know?" he shook his head "I don't' know how to go about it'' I nodded "tomorrow we'll take a run into town so we can get what you need, and I'll tell you some things" he gave me the 'no way in hell' look "not letting you out of these walls, not after last time'' I just signed "we could take Glenn and Maggie but it might make you uncomfortable" he gave it some thought "they can keep watch'' I agreed and laid my head on his lap yawning "night" he bent down kissing my forehead "night"

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