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Daryl pov

I walked into the house and set the few squirrels I got this morning on the counter, a muffled babies cry came from upstairs, it wasn't one of the twins didn't sound like them and Judith is too big for her cries to sound like that "We get another kid while we were out or wa?" Rick shrugged and looked upstairs. It wouldn't be the first time y/n adopted a stray.

I walked up the stairs and to Judith's room, the door opened a crack so all I had to do was push it open. I froze. Merle was there with a baby in his arms, "Merle?" my voice cracked but I didn't care, I didn't bother to wipe the tears either "Hey baby brother" Merle put the baby on the bed between pillows and he walked over to me, I just stared at him like an idiot "You got a hug for old Merle or wa" I snapped out of it and pulled him in for a hug, Merle hugged back just as tight and neither of us paid attention to the toilet flushing nor the women walking into the bedroom to get the baby.

3rd person

While everyone back at Alexandra was happily reuniting with their family and helping each other through a difficult time Negan was back at the Saviors' compound getting ready for an attack

"And you're sure that's y/n?" he asked the brunette standing in front of him "Yes, I'd never forget that bitches face" Negan looked back at the Polaroid, it was of a dark-skinned woman, and y/n on watch at Alexandra that morning sipping coffee and smiled on their faces, Negan thought y/n looked familiar, he didn't come across many women who were missing an eye, he knew he saw her somewhere but just didn't know where.

y/n pov

To say sleep was still not sleeping was an understatement, I sat on the porch steps with a cup of stale coffee and watched the night, Carl still hadn't come out of his room and I was hoping he'd go back to night watch so I could catch him, Beth's been sticking close to Daryl since he got back and Rick is passed out snoring so loud I can hear him from here.

"Can't sleep" Michonne sat beside me and I just groaned, I was so exhausted I couldn't sleep "You should see if doc's got something for you" She took the mug out of my hand and took a sip making a face "and if something happens and I'm needed?" Michonne just sighed "You can rest y'know we can handle it" I just nodded and took my coffee back "I know, I just got this feeling"

"What kind of feeling?" I shook my head and sipped the coffee "I don't know, just that something's going to happen, we've been safe for too long something big is going to happen" a few of the town people walked down the road. Smiling and laughing, if it weren't for the moaning of walkers you'd think this was the perfect town from a hallmark movie or something "You think another war like we had with the governor" I shrugged and stood when Daryl came back from night watch "Girls night huh" Daryl teased and Michonne left to take his spot. "Not really, just came by to check on me" he nodded "Ya get some sleep?" I sighed and told him that I told Michonne "We'll be alright" Daryl cupped my face and kissed my forehead "But you, you're sleeping" I let out a surprised yelp when Daryl tossed me over his shoulder and I started laughing.

Daryl placed me on the bed beside Rick and he pulled my jeans off "Ah ah not happening-" Daryl cut me off with a kiss "Calm down ain't comfy to sleep in them things" Daryl slid into bed beside me, Rick rolled over and put his arm over my side "man snores like a freight train" I nodded in agreement "ya he does" my head settled on his chest and Daryl ran his hand through Rick's curls "I missed it though, night was so quiet when he was back at the hospital" he kissed my forehead "sleep" Daryl grumbled already half asleep himself.

3rd person

Negan sat at his desk looking at the picture of the two women, he knew he saw y/n before but it was eating await at him that he didn't know where from, he picked up Lucile and rested the barbed bat on his leather covered shoulder, he whistles his tune as he walked down the hall the polaroid gripped tightly in his hand "sherry, come here" he leaned on the doorway and watched his wives in their lounge area, sherry walks up to him quickly, she didn't want any more trouble "yes Negan?" Negan held up the picture to her "You remember her?" he pointed to y/n and Sherry nodded "She's the one that saved me back at Red's dinner" Negan nodded as the past event returned to him.

"What did you think of her?" he wanted to know what he was up against "Strong, she took down three walkers without a sweat, one of them was twice her size if not three times, she held herself like military, had that 'I can kick your ass if I want' aura about her'' Negan sucked his teeth and an annoyed look crossed his face, he knew y/n wouldn't bow down to him like the others, even if he killed one of her men, "Dwight! Load up the cars, tomorrow's career day"

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