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Rick pov

Me Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, and Michonne went on a run to the military outpost we found a few weeks back, if what y/n said about this Negan guy is true then we really need to gear up, especially now that everyone knows how to handle a gun it would be better for everyone to carry and have extra. 'I'm worried 'about her, haven't seen that look in her eye before' ' me and Daryl took our own car while the rest piled into the other. "I've only seen it once, it was after she found Bella, it took her a while to come back she's going to be a hard ass, it's a good thing we have Ford and Espinosa, they handled her like this before" the drive was long and quiet aside from the few walkers on the side of the road there was nothing.

Daryl pov

i didn't like that, he wanted to help but he didn't know what to do. Do we let her just take it out or talk about it and help her through it? i didn't know what she needed and I'm kicking himself for not getting to know her better "she gave me this, don' know what I'm supposed to do with it" Rick smiled at the sight of the python in my hand "it's her good luck charm, I'm surprised I haven't seen it until now" I traced my finger over the engraving of ricks name "she wants you to carve your name into the handle"

After we got the speakers set up and a hole in the fence to funnel the walkers out I pulled out my hunting knife and started carving my name into the other side of the handle. "You think it's going to work, how many are on the inside?" Glenn and Michonne were discussing what to do once the walkers were clear from the fenced-in area. "Same thing we did for the prison, cover each other's backs" Rick chimed in. Once I was done I slipped the pistol into the back of my pants and watched the walkers. While the others set up for the night, they needed to make sure there weren't any stragglers.

I hated this plan, this was a risk we couldn't take but seeing' that look in y/n eyes, she knew something' was coming. Rick walked in front with me at the rear, the plan was to clear the building and find the armory. Food, meds then come back for the vehicles. We could go without the armored cars if a herd blew threw or something, so far the buildings empty sides a few bodies quickly I whistled "something' ain't right, these bastards were put down" the others looked around finally noticing what I did "someone's been here, still could be" Michonne agreed "stay close, you hear anything you tap the person front of you and we stop" Rick started walking again, this time with more caution in his step.

We came up on a four-way section of hallways where Maggie stuck close to Glenn "this place doesn't have directions, how did we know?" something was wrong, it was quiet, way too quiet. Almost as if my thoughts rang the dinner bell we were cornered in the center of the junction.

People in army greens healed their guns to us "what the fuck do we have here" the people parted so the man could walk up, he was older you could tell he's seen some shit by how hard his eyes were, Rick cocked his head and furred his brows at the man, he was thinkin' "now my men are going to escort you off my fucking property, and you're going to fucking listen"

Michonne looked around, we were clearly outnumbered "major's not gonna like that" the man cocked a brow "what we doin' Grimes?" I looked around but kept Rick in my view "as in Sergeant major Grimes?" me and Rick shared a look "ya know her?" he nodded "ya, I'm the one who made her into a badass, what about you" he lowered his gun but still kept it in his hand "I'm her husband" Rick answered, the man thought it over

"Pack it up boys, were going' to see my major"

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