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Rick pov

The three of us set up camp in the middle of the train tracks, I couldn't sleep and Michonne refused to let me stay up alone so we just watched Carl sleep, we were too busy listening to our surroundings rather than making conversation, that was for the daytime.

Crickets took over most of the silence in the distance, the soft thumping of something walking down the tracks, but it was far enough that we didn't need to worry. Right away. Crisp air blew rustling the leaves once the steps were a few feet behind me. I stood aiming my python "Daryl?"

y/n pov

"They wouldn't be that stupid would they?" I groaned looking at a map that pointed to the terminus. I thought about it for a moment "yeah they would" I really hoped the direction I was going would lead me to it and not away.

Rick would go to protect Carl if they were together and Carl would go if he got out with Judith, Daryl would go just knowing the other two would. This is going to be a long walk.

It didn't take long for a few bitters to find me, I swung at the last one but it ducked what the fuck "not dead" I know that voice "Beth?" she stood up dusting herself off "your alive? What happened to you" I examined her face "nothin I can't handle" I chuckled "Let's go" I pulled out some water and food, I didn't know when the last time she eat was "thanks, where are we going"

"Terminus, found a sign back that way if the others saw it they might be headed there" Beth carried a few knives and a gun tucked into her belt. Looks like she's been through hell "what happened to you" she shook her head "Daryl got me out" I cut her off "Daryl? Where is he"

"Don't know, these people hit me with their car, took me, and made me work for them after I woke up, said it was payment for saving' my life'' we walked down the tracks i held my knife and beth walked beside me balancing on the rail as she talked "How'd ya get out" dusk was approaching we needed to set up camp "Noah helped me distract them so I could leave, they hurt his little brother so he stayed. After I made it outside they tried to talk me into going back. So I covered myself in walker guts and climbed over the fence into the herd"

I beamed with pride "that's my girl" pulling her in for a side hug we carried on walking down the darkening tracks. Beth ate the first squirrel I caught, mine was still cooking "how'd ya learn to hunt" i looked at her and smiled, she sad some meat on her lip as she chewed and she looked like a little kid as she looked up at me from her sitting spot by the fire "My mom wasn't the mother type, always took her anger out on me, so I spent all the time I could out in the woods behind our trailer"

"I can teach you after we've found the others and found a safe place" I meant to teach her anyway, I already taught Carl "I'd like that" I rubbed my eyes, "is it weird? Only having one eye?" i sat beside her and took a bite out of my now cooked squirrel "yeah, i've gotten used to it, sometimes i forget i lost it until someone brings it up" we fell into silence and finished our food

We were up before dawn for the next morning. We wanted to get there as fast as possible. We were close by the looks of the sign so we snuck off to the woods to scout the place out and see if we could see the others. After finding a good vantage point I plucked the binoculars out of my bag. So I could get a closer look at the place. Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Carl were all standing in a circle with their hands up, a man on the roof had a gun trained on them "Beth it's not safe, the others are there but we need to get them out" the hair on the back of my neck stood up, the feeling of being watched, looked like Beth felt it too because the both of us turned and trained out guns at the same spot


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