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y/n pov

All of us looked towards the front gate, several walkers managed to get in, no doubt following the kids in the loud ass van, "Carl, stay with me" I held him back as the others ran to help out "go get your sister and lock yourself in the bathroom, don't forget the pack" he nodded and ran off while I went to join the others.

Michonne was at my side in an instant helping me silently take down walkers, "stop with the guns!" I yelled at the kids who kept popping off rounds like no tomorrow "we got to close the gate" Michonne yelled to Rick.

We all formed a circle and worked our way through the mini herd that kept growing. Most of Alexandria's people ran away not knowing how to handle them. Daryl managed to close the gate while we covered him, now it was just picking them off and cleaning up the place.

It didn't take long, thirty minutes at most, all of us were covered in blood, the hot sun beating down on us and the smell of rotten turned my stomach. I held onto Michonne's arm and I bent over and threw up my breakfast, she held my hair out of my face. I wiped my lips and looked at my boys who stared at me "I'm pregnant" I just blurted it out, I could have made them dinner, or taken a midnight stroll, but no, I had to do it covered in walker's guts, one thing though, it's probably the most memorable way to find out.

Daryl and Rick smiled so wide I thought their cheeks were going to burst, they hugged each other laughing "I'm the one building it y'know" I was a little sarcastic but where was my hug? "I did all the work," Daryl shrugged, "how would you like to sleep in a bed tonight Michonne?"

"In bed cuddling you? Sounds good to me" I hummed nodding "what just happened" poor Rick was confused "the two of you just got sent to the dog house" me and Michonne were already walking away when Rosita joined the conversation "but I didn't even say anything" Rick yelled out causing the both of us to laugh.

"Give me some blanket would ya" me and Michonne fought over the blanket "you already have all of it" I argued back. "You're like a damn furnace" she mumbled I let out a halfhearted laugh "it's worse when there's three of us in here" she huffed "I bet" I lay in silence, Michonne was snoring away in my ear as the big spoon, and my mind drifted to us finally having a place we could have a proper family, once this place was secure of course but it was possible.

Rick and Daryl gave me the cold shoulder the next morning and I suspected I would get it in the afternoon too. "I'm going to talk to Dianna about training the people here, they need to know how to protect themselves and the others." the group members who were still in the house this late into the morning agreed.

Blood still stained the streets, the bodies long gone and burned somewhere "this will happen again" I stopped standing next to Dianna who watched some people who I haven't bothered to learn their names scrub the asphalt "it didn't happen until you came-" I cut her off "this wasn't our fault, your boys blasting that music was being reckless, walkers are attracted to notice and smell, it was bound to happen if we came here or not"

She took a deep breath in thru her nose, she's trying to calm herself, rile her up y/n "your people are going to die, they'll be ripped apart in the most horrific way, if you unlucky enough to survive their screams will haunt you"

She turned to me still saying nothing, "teach them to fight, teach them to survive instead of being sitting ducks, all it takes is a crack in the walls, rusted out bolts, one of the runners could come back bit, scratched, and not tell anyone. All it takes is one slip up and this is gone" the look in her eyes told me she was starting to understand where I was coming from "stop being a coward and do something about it!"

Raising my voice loud enough so the others around us heard, I didn't care. I wanted them to see how unreliable she was, how oblivious to the danger she was, "you are going to get these people killed and you know it, grow a pair and pick up a gun!" I didn't wait for her to reply, I just walked away. 

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