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y/n pov

We spent the morning gathering supplies from the town, we had planned to leave at noon, but a herd went by causing us to pack up later in the afternoon. "Ready?" Everyone nodded, Carl had Judith on his shoulders happily gurgling away. Father Gabriel decided to come with us and Rick agreed after answering his three questions.

We took no more than two steps from the church steps when a fire truck pulled up, Abe and Espinosa pilled out and they were pissed. Glenn helped Maggie walk, Beth took up the rear. "What happened" not that I'm complaining that my family's back together "he lied, there's no cure" Rosita went over to Judith and took her from Carl. "This a bad I told you so?" I walked up to Abd "Yes, it is" I smiled and said it anyway "Told ya so" the day was already shot so we decided to leave first thing in the morning after checking over everyone's injuries.

The sun just kissed the land and Rick had us all up "mornin sunshine" I grumbled something back at Daryl, I was way too tired for this, hell we all were. "Let's get this show on the road" we all geared up and started walking.

Rick was in the middle with the kids, Daryl, Rosita, and Abe took the front me and Michonne took up the rear. Every now and then she would go to speak but thought better of it "what is it" I kept my voice hushed I didn't want what she had to say to be common knowledge with the rest "look, it's none of my business but were the three if you careful the other day"

My brow furrowed "careful?" for as smart as I sometimes am im really stupid "it's hard enough finding food for Judith, if-" she looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to us "it be nearly impossible to feed a newborn" I stopped, how could we be so careless, we were somewhat careful before "shit Michonne"

"I'll look for a test in the next town we come across so you have it when it's time, the second you feel something off you tell me" her mom voice came out, I didn't think she had one but she did. "I will"

We jogged to catch up with the rest of the group who looked to be stopped, "everything alright," Rick asked me in a hush "ya, just some girl small talk is all'' Abe knocked a bottle out of Eugene's hand "are you stupid" I knew he was still pissed at him but he's going to kill him sooner or later. "Another batch of water?" Daryl nodded at my question. "It's getting late, let's look for shelter and some food"

After settling in the old barn the weather kicked in loud thunder made Judith cry and the cold wind seeped through the worn boards of the barn. A herd of walkers tried to break down the door, and we all did our best to keep it shut, getting soaked in the process. Michonne never left my side, Carl had Judith in his lap ready to run if he needed.

We all let Carl, Judy and Beth sleep, Michonne and Shasha went out to check on the border but came back with a man named Aaron. I stayed back leaning against the wall while Rick and Daryl asked the man questions. "You can't think that is real" Rick handed me the photos he was looking at, I don't know but if I am pregnant we'd need a safe place. I shot a quick glance to Michonne who flicked her eyes to my stomach then back to me, she was thinking the same thing. "The kids need a safe place"

"You can't be serious" Rick signed, Daryl was silent, his mind already made up "look" my voice was just a whisper "we need this Rick, the kids" he looked at me "I need this" he gave me a questioning look "we weren't careful back at the church if im- we need a safe place, he said they have medical supplies"

He looked to Daryl for help "a month, that's all, we'll know for sure then. If I'm not and you like it there will stay, if not we'll leave" Daryl placed a hand on my stomach "ya think?" the sparkles in Daryl's eyes told me he had hoped I was pregnant, it would be his. "A month" Rick walked back to Aaron while Daryl stayed by my side. I have a feeling this is going to happen all month.

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