841 31 1

y/n pov

I watched the townspeople go about their day like a small group of those things didn't get in a few months ago. Dianna hasn't done anything but locked herself in her house, she doesn't even come out for her sons. "You good?" Rosita kept me company on the long days "you should rest"

"I'm only three months along, I've got time before I start waddling yet" she rolled her eyes at me "what do you think it is? I want a girl" I scanned the tree line, there were two cars out today, and Daryl and Carl were checking the traps "I want it to be healthy" she nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence that got me thinking about the meeting we had a while ago.


We held the meeting in the church, turns out Daryl is better at making allies than he thought, a good amount of the townspeople were here, and the only reason Jessie was here was so she could look at Rick the whole time "you ok" Rick stood facing me with his hand on my back slowly rubbing it "ya, just some morning sickness" he kissed my temple before turning back to address the room, Jessie glared at me.

"You all saw what happened. We gave Dianna time to get something started. She hasn't so I'm going to" Rick paused making sure everyone was paying attention. "y/n and Rosita will teach proper gun training, Daryl will give you a crash course on hunting, Abe will teach you how to use a knife, there's going to be a checking crew to look for bites and scratches when runners return..."

The rest of the announcement went by naming out who would be teaching what and when. "Any questions?" the usual when and where questions happened, "are you sure y/n is able to do it, she doesn't look too good" Jessie did have a good point, I'd be fine if the smell of cooking meat didn't grace my nose on the way here "she's more than capable to do it, someone else will take over later on when she's further along"

So far everything has been going according to plan, that's what's scaring me. Something is going to happen and when it does we are not going to be prepared. "check crews getting set up, they should be back soon" it was about three or four in the afternoon now "Daryl get anything?" she shrugged "not back yet"

"What do you mean they're not back yet, they went out at sunrise!" I was starting to panic "calm down, in sure there ok, your the one in the walls that can track, and I'm not letting you out there"

"I'm going for a walk" she stared at me before finally letting me leave. The kids played by the pond, some of the moms sitting on the bench nearby to keep an eye on them. For the first time in a while, the air smelt clean and not like rotting corpses "you okay?" Beth popped up beside me "I will be home once those two are home." absentmindedly rubbing my belly I caught Beth eye up one of the survivors Rick brought back a while ago, Jason, he worked with his dad in construction before the world ended.

"I like him" her head snapped to me cheeks rapidly going red "what... I I don't know what ya talkin about" humming I rolled my eyes "he's a nice guy Beth, from what I've seen he treats you well"

"But he's seven years older than me" that can't be the only reason she's not going for it "Daryl is five years older than me, and I don't think that type of thing matters anymore" she looked like she was thinking it over "besides they'll have to deal with me if they do" I gave her a kiss on the head before leaving her to ponder it over.

Rick wasn't in town when he's stressed. He usually hangs out in the back corner by a couple of trees for a few minutes. It was a nice little place almost like a hidden grove you'd find deep in a forest. a place you would find the forest spirits having a tea party with the small critters, it felt like nothing bad could happen to you there.

"I didn't expect to see that today" 

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