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Carl pov

"Rick?" Glenn and Maggie stepped into the small ray of light that managed to squeeze its way into the train car "this is Ford and-" I cut him off "Espinosa?" they looked a little confused "my mom told me about the both of you" ford and espinosa shared a look "Who's your mother kid? Cuz I don't want to find out I have a son just yet" Ford looked a little worried "y/n grimes"

"She's alive?" Espinosa stepped forward with a smile on her face "ya" I answered a little sad "she is going to be pissed when she finds us here, where is she?" we all looked to the ground, we knew she was alive but we just didn't know where "don't know, lost 'er at the prison" her friends nodded sadly "she'll find ya' one of the things she's good sat is saving her family" Espinosa padded my shoulder and went to stand by a man named Eugene.

"Ready?" Dad had us make weapons from anything we could find. A smoke bomb fell from the ceiling, blocking out sight and burning my throat. me and a few others were dragged off, I couldn't see by who, the light was too bright compared to the pitch black I was just in.

y/n pov

While Beth took care of Judith, me and Carol talked about a plan to save the others. Apparently, she'd seen Glenn and Maggie there a few days ago, I kept sending glances over to my little girl fast asleep in Beth's arms. "Beth" she gave me a soft gentle smile but the look in her eyes told me she wasn't the innocent little girl she was back at the farm.

"Ty, If anything happens to us, I want you to take care of them" he nodded and we looked at each other as a silent understanding came over us "I will promise" me and carol talked about the plan some more, I was going to sneak in while she blew up the tank off to the side, that plan went out the window when we saw, Rick, Daryl, Carl, Glenn, and a few others get dragged into the building "what now" i grumbled.

"Plan stays the same, but I break them out from the inside, Beth we need you over by the fence there" I pointed a few feet from where Carol was going to be by the shipping containers. "Take the gun Ty can watch Lil ass kicker" she nodded and we all got into position.

Getting in was easy, all I had to do was jump the fence and in no time someone was dragging me off into the building, they didn't even search me how stupid. "Found another one boss" my wrists were tied behind my back and I was knelt beside Carl, we were knelt in front of a metal trophy, a few bodies beside me were limp and the blood ran down into the drain "start with her"

Rick and Daryl tried to get loose, but let's be real here this wasn't my first time being tied in front of a trough, hopefully, though it would be the last "I have a question" the man groaned and my family looked at me "what you're going to kill me anyway" something was wrong, Carol should have blown the tank by now I needed to drag this on "fine, what is it"

"Hallucinations, mad cow and kuru" i listed off several side effects "What's that'' i could hear some commotion from outside but not enough for him to be distracted by it "The side effects of eating humans, the military has been trying for years to stop them so how did you do it?" his eyes shifted around the room, "ah, you haven't, it's already started" he was a lot angrier this time "you won't last much longer, once they sit in that's it. Besides, how do you mask the taste?" i wasn't proud of myself but i have eaten human before, not the best time in my military career

"Kill her NOW" the bigger man came up behind me and raised the machete against my neck. Come on Carol any time now an explosion went off the sound startled the man behind me, he barely nicked my neck. Nothing too bad but enough to draw a concerning amount of blood. He went to the window "the tank, it blew up" . The man I was talking to earlier ran off and so did the bigger guy.

Freeing myself with the knife I had up my sleeve. I killed the last two before tying the others "let's go" I handed each of them a knife "you're bleeding" Daryl handed me his handkerchief "there's a cabin just a few metres outside, stay tight, don't leave for any reason" the others nodded and followed behind me, outside gunshots were going off left and right.

I covered them while they climbed over the fence to where Beth was "y/n time to go '' Beth yelled over to me, Beth and the others covered me while I climbed over. "Everyone here" I looked at everyone's faces looking for scratches or bites or any other wound "all good major" I smiled seeing Ford's red hair and Espinosa's face, i couldn't help but walk over to the two and hug them, Daryl muttered something about his hug and carl laughed.

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