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3rd person

Rick didn't know how it came to this, one minute they were taking Maggie to the hilltop to get help and the next the group was kneeling in front of their RV with dozens of men holding guns to them.

Rick pov

I looked around at my group, dripping in sweat. Everyone was either crying or sweating profusely. Abe, Carl, and y/n were the only ones with dry faces. "alright" someone called out "Let's meet the man" he banged on the RV door.

A man wearing a leather jacket stepped out, a bat wrapped in barbed wire resting on his leather-covered shoulder. He smiled at my group and their terrified state. "Are we peeing our pants yet?" he asked. I worried for Carl, he was simply staring at the man with pure hatred.

The man stepped out into the light, revealing scruffy facial hair and slicked back hair. "Boy" he continued "do I have a feeling we're getting close" he pointed the bat at everyone in the group "Now, which one of you pricks is the leader?" I glanced at y/n and she subtly shook her head 'No' I looked at Daryl and he was thinking the same thing I was no way was I going to let him hurt her the same savior that knocked on the door pointed to me "This one, he's the man"

"Oh ho! I don't think so, him? My fucking balls he is, where is she" he said pointing his bat down the line until he landed on y/n "There she is. you're y/n, right? I'm Negan, we've met" Oh no, I looked at Daryl and he looked like he was about to punch him "First I do not appreciate you killing my man," he continued "But, you saved Sherry so I'll let that first time slide" y/n looked at me we hadn't told her we ran into a group of people "second I sent my people to kill you for killing my people, wanna guess what happened to those people" y/n just shrugged "you killed more of my people... not cool. Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that is. But I think you're gonna be up to speed shortly...yeah...you are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes" he smiled evilly "yes, you are"

"You see y/n" he continued, "whatever you do, no matter what, you won't mess with the new world order and the new world order is this, and it's really very simple, so if you're stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand. Are you ready? Now here it goes, pay attention-"

"For a man who wants to get his point across, you sure like to talk," I sighed and looked at y/n like she was crazy, even though Abe thought that was a stupid move. He lightly swung the bat down and pointed it at me, making me move to the side slightly. Negan leaned down slightly and simply said "he's your soulmate correct?" y/n just nodded "You got another so what's losing one" Carl screamed out 'no' and Negan moved to swing the bat "Go ahead" My eyes widened, and Negan's jaw dropped and looked at her "like you said I have one more" I knew she was biding time but I couldn't help but feel hurt at her words, even Daryl was pissed at her.

Negan's heavy boots crushed the fallen leaves on the forest floor as he made his way to y/n ''your one heartless bitch, Jesus'' Negan chuckled and pointed the bat to her face so the barbed wire dug into her cheek "Give me your shit, or I will kill you" after she didn't answer him he started walking around covering the entire group. "Today was career day," he said "We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do '' he pointed the bat at me again. "You work for me now. You have stuff, you give it to me, that's your job"

y/n scoffed "You think this is fucking funny do you?" He walked back over to her and squatted down and leaned the wire-covered bat on his shoulder "Now I know that's a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow" he told her "but swallow it, you most certainly will, you ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe, I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact, you are pegged. More pegged if you don't do what I want. And what I want is half of your stuff. And if that's too much, you can make, find or steal more and it'll even out sooner or later"

The look in y/n's eyes scared me a bit, I knew she was used to dealing with people like this but she wasn't scared in the slightest "This" he said while gesturing "is your way of life now. The more you don't back down, the harder it will be. So if someone knocks on your door, you let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down. You understand?"

y/n didn't say anything and he walked over to Abe ready to show his point "You look tough as shit" he held the bat over Abe's head "Smith is it?" y/n calmly spoke and Negan froze again "What the fuck did you just say?" he pointed the bat at y/n and he looked pissed "I knew you looked familiar, hell you even talk like him" Negan looked even more pissed now "are you going to fucking speak"

"General John Smith" Negan's jaw clenched and for a second his eyes softened "he alive?" I was surprised at how softly he spoke "Back at Alexandria, has been looking for you" Everything was quiet, not one of Negan's men knew what to do and ours just looked at Ngan and y/n "he aint here" She shook her head "he's holding down the fort for me" Negan nodded

"Negan, remember what we're here for" a woman walked out of the RV I'd know that voice and face anywhere, she had some new scars and her hair was cut short and tied back

"Fucking Lori" y/n grumbled

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