Chapter 20

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Every pair of eyes is zeroed in on my hand wrapped around Natalia's as we walk into the room

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Every pair of eyes is zeroed in on my hand wrapped around Natalia's as we walk into the room.
No one says a word, the awkwardness in the room making everyone fidgety, not sure where to look or if they can look.
With a deep sigh Natalia gives my hand a squeeze before she lets me go and walks over to her sister.
My hand already missing hers.

"What did you find Izzy" She asks her sister as she peers over Izzy's shoulder to look at the monitor in front of them.

"Nothing good." She answers gravely.

"Your security hasn't been breached exactly, it's more like they are using the air space over the property to keep tabs, that can be with a ghost drone or short wave satellite. I came up blank on on every other avenue they could have used. Roman and I spent all day reenforcing your security measures both on the ground and in the air. The only thing I can't control is the air space. Now Roman says that its supposed to be private so not just anyone can fly over, at least not without your approval, so I checked your logs of approval over the last month and found no breach. Well not exactly..."

"Not exactly? What does that even mean not exactly?"  Dario asks before I can ask myself. 

"It means that someone has been authorizing access then deleting the logs, they can erase the reports but everything leaves a digital signature, I can't see who gave access or deleted the files but I can see that it was done. I know that doesn't help though. I'll keep working on it as best as I can. I'm sorry Dante, there's not much else I can do until they try again. I can keep an eye on it and reverse hack whoever has been logging in but only after they try to access the logs. I can plant a bug, you can tell the rest of your...umm...staff that you're changing security protocols to keep from being hacked into again. I'll take care of adding the new program to all devices and if anyone logs into the flight logs I'll be alerted and can track their digital signature." She looks at me and Natalia apologetically, I'm not sure what she needs to be sorry for though. This kid is a fucking genius.

"Can we keep her?" J asks breaking the silence in the room. The dumbfounded expressions on everyone's faces is proof that no one thought to do what she's suggesting. 

"Yeah can we?" I ask, looking between Natalia and Diego

Diego's only response is a proud smirk, meanwhile Natalia looks more conflicted than ever.

Sensing her sister's reluctance, Izzy turns to face Talia and grabs her by the shoulders. "I want to help and this is the only way I know how. I don't know how to throw knives or slaughter hundreds like you and Ricky or shoot a gun like Diego and his brothers, but this- this I can do. Please Natalia be okay with this. I'm not leaving him, he'd have to throw me out on my ass. If he wants me gone he will have to be the one to end it because I wont. I'm not going anywhere, let me help. I'll be safe behind my key board." Her eyes pleading and determined to get her way.

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