Chapter 25

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I can't get that damn kiss out of my head, even with everything that's going on. I want nothing more than to drag her off into a corner of the house and absolutely consume her; except I can't. We all have way too much on our plates, no matter how selfish I want to be where she's concerned.

I wonder where we would be if I had done things differently from the beginning, if I hadn't shut her out. Everything was going well for the most part when I started training her, we were almost friends, I had to keep my thoughts to myself so I wouldn't look weak, I couldn't act on my impulses without it looking like she was getting special treatment. The others during training already called her my favorite...she didn't need them thinking that she slept her way to the top, especially since she was a damn force to be reckoned with. She deserved to stand alone in her triumphs without having her light dimed by me.

In the end things will work out, at least I hope they will. Getting as close to her as I have these last few weeks is everything to me. I know that if she ever leaves me I'll be nothing, I'm lost without her. What terrifies me the most though is that something may happen that rips her from me. I've developed anxiety according to Doc, I can't shake the fear of something happening to her, something out of my control, I don't function well when I'm not in control.

"Dante? Diego said to tell you that there's a family meeting in five minutes" Izzy's musical voice comes from outside of my bedroom.

"Thank you Izzy. Do you have a minute to talk by chance?" I ask her as I open my bedroom door.

I didn't have a chance to talk to her yesterday and I really need her insight.

"Of course!" She beams up at me and leans against my door frame

I wave with my hand letting her know she can come into my room and close the door behind her.

"Wooaahhhh! Your room is insane! I thought Diego's was cool! How the heck did you manage to get those LEDs on your ceiling? It looks like the inside of a Rolls Royce in here! It's giving the ceiling from the dining hall in Harry Potter! Can I get some in my room?" She never fails to amuse me. Her eyes are so big as she looks around in awe. How does someone so adorable end up with Diego of all people?

"Yes Isabella we can install some in your room" I answer with a chuckle. This must be what's it like to have a sister.

She finishes looking around and lands her beaming face on me at last, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosey, what did you want to talk about?"

Ushering her to the plush velvet couch against my bed I sit down and take a deep breath. "I don't know what to do with your sister...I've never had to worry about feelings before. I never cared enough before but now with her I'm lost. Help your brother out?" I smile at her nervously

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