Chapter 17

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It's been a whole day and I haven't seen or heard  from Natalia since her confession

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It's been a whole day and I haven't seen or heard  from Natalia since her confession. I want nothing more than to go to Dante and tell him how she's feeling but I know even if I do it won't change anything. He needs her right now, even if he would be gracious enough to keep her back, she's the best we have and our best shot of getting some intel on that forsaken cartel. Even so I'm enraged I didn't notice sooner.

If any of us were to notice how she was feeling it should have been me.

On top of that Dante refuses to be alone with me so I haven't had a chance to talk it out with him either. Of all the days to have inner turmoil this is by far the worst possible time.
Santiago is supposed to be paying Dante a formal visit later today and I'm sure if he even picks up on the tiniest whiff of tension he'll pounce on the chance to tear us wide open.

I can't have that.


"Dom! Get your ass out here!" Dario bellows from outside.

Noting the hint of urgency I do just that and haul ass outside. I don't even make it past the front door when I see it.

Drones, lots and lots of drones falling from the sky.
Not good. Not good at all.

Dante wanted every drone we have in the air, he didn't want any surprises when Santiago shows up. There's no way this is a malfunction on our end.

"What in the chicken little is going!" Ricky says from behind me, suddenly materializing quieter than a shadow in that way he has.

"I think we're being hacked, J go find Roman and Dante. We have to get those drones back up in the air, for all we know they're watching us right now.
Dario get a hold of Lorenzo and tell him we need eyes in the sky and double the snipers until we get this fixed."

Without another word they both take off running leaving me to watch the drones drop one by one like my own personal meteor shower and drown in my never ending pit of anxiety.

What in the absolute fuck is going on! Millions of dollars worth of tech is raining down on me and I need answers now

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What in the absolute fuck is going on!
Millions of dollars worth of tech is raining down on me and I need answers now.

"Roman!" I bellow.

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