Chapter 12

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"He's been out long enough, time to wake him up" I say to J and Roman

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"He's been out long enough, time to wake him up" I say to J and Roman

"Another five star wake up call boss?"

"I'm thinking something a little more electrifying, what do you think J?"

"Say less Dante, say less" grinning eerily J descends into the basement

"Couldn't you just slap him awake?" Roman asks me sheepishly

"Are you starting to feel bad for him?" I fire back.

"No. I just don't want him to die before tonight. I put a lot of work into the gala" he pouts

"Don't worry Roman, your exceptional party planning skills won't go to waste tonight"

With that he brightens up and heads after J.


"Welcome back Roycie, did you have a good nap?" J asks, nose to nose with Royce.

"Was the electric wake up call necessary?!" Royce pants angrily

"Nope, but it made me feel good inside" J says hugging himself.

"How are you feeling Royce?" I ask him, grinning like a kid at Christmas morning

"Fuck you." He says then spits on the ground

Before I have a chance to respond, J slaps Royce across the face so hard that even Roman flinched.

"Did you forget rule number one Roycie? No disrespecting the boss." He tells him matter of fact, then slaps him again, and again, and again.

Walking up to J, I place my hand on his shoulder making him still immediately.
"I'll take it from here J" I tell him.

Nodding his head he turns to glare at Royce and gives him a swift kick in the leg before walking away.

"It still amuses me that you have children working for you Dante"  Royce says, wincing from the kick J just gave him.


"What did you say?!" Suddenly J is in his face again.
Joker hates being called a child. Very touchy subject for him, even after all these years.

"Stand down Ricky." I tell him in my no bullshit tone.
He's visibly shaking with anger, his breathing erratic.

"He's mine J. Stand down. Go cool off" I tell him through my teeth.

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