Chapter 23

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"Are you sure?"

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"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's him"

"How long ago?"

"Two minutes ago, I triple checked Roman, it's him. "

Izzy and Roman's voices float out to me as I haul my ass up the stairs. Seconds ago Izzy yelled for us all to get up there, seems Roman beat us all to it.

"What's going on Izzy, what did you find?" I ask in between breaths.

"Where's Dante? He needs to be here for this." Her perfect brows furrow in frustration

"He's coming, he's on his way, he was sparing with J in the training room. How bad is it Izzy?" Still breathless, I look from her to Roman and the answer to my question is plastered on Roman's face. Rage. Primal rage unlike anything I've ever seen from him.

"What's wrong?" Natalia seems to materialize out of the void because no one heard her coming up the stairs, she's slightly winded but not a hair out of place. "Roman...tell me." She demands

Roman says nothing, his body shaking with rage, his jaw taught. I don't even think he's breathing.

Suddenly the front door bursts open downstairs and the voices of my remaining family fill the air then die as one as they all scramble up the stairs. First through the door is J, followed by Dante both in nothing but basketball shorts. Seconds after them is Diego and Dario in matching black riding gear, Dario still holding his sports bike helmet in one hand.

"Explain." Dante looks between Izzy and Roman, waiting and expectant. Stoic as ever.

"I found your mole Dante." Izzy responds quietly, "I'm so sorry." True sadness in her beautiful eyes.

As a collective everyone stiffens, no one breaths.

"Who?" He asks blankly

"It's Lorenzo..." Izzy looks each one of us in the eye as she says it, as she utters the name of the man who taught us how to throw our first knife, who became a father figure to us when our own couldn't be bothered. The name of the man that we trusted with absolute certainty, our head of security, our friend, a man we have grown to love, a man who raised us as if we were his own.

"Are you sure?" Dante's voice barley above a whisper

"Yes. It's him. He changed the security team for the Casino run to all men who weren't on your approved roster. I ran background checks on them naturally and they aren't citizens. Most of them are on the FBI's most wanted list for drug trafficking, the rest for pedophilia and human trafficking. After logging out he tried to wipe his history and that's what alerted me." The sadness and disappointment in her voice passes over each of us like a silent wave of awakening.

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