Chapter 24

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"STAY WITH ME! DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES! YOU HEAR ME?!?" This can't be happening...

"KILL THEM ALL IZZY! FUCKING KILL THEM!" I register Diego's voice, he sounds so far away, everything sounds muffled, like I'm under water.

"I don't think he's going to make it Dante..." more muffled voices that I can't quite decipher trail off into nothing but white noise.

All I can think about is stopping the blood, I can't lose him. There's so much. So much blood.

Every thing else stops existing and it's just me and him, the fire and guns going off around us mean nothing. Like we're frozen in this fucked up moment. I'll burn the world with me in it if it means he lives...

"I'm sorry" He says to me weakly. He's so pale. So cold.

"Don't you dare give up on me! Do you understand?! You don't get to die before me!" I can feel the shock wearing off and the panic setting in. If he dies in my arms I'll hunt them all down and kill them slowly. One by one.



"He can't truly have betrayed you right? There's something else going on here, there has to be Dante. I refuse to believe that Lorenzo of all people wants you dead." Natalia finishes in frustration bawling her tiny fists.

She went from shock to rage in the span of two minutes and I'm still stuck on shock.

She hasn't stopped pacing. At this rate she'll wear down the marble floor in my office, she needs to sit down, her back and forth is making me dizzy. Grabbing her wrist as she goes to pass me yet again I pull her to a stop right in front of me.

"Stop pacing, you're stressing me out." I tell her blankly, void of emotion.

"Sorry...I just can't stay still. I feel the urge to do something, anything, maybe I'll see if Ricky will spar with me." She says looking apologetic and already fidgeting again.

"Why don't you ever ask me to spar with you?" Maybe a change in subject will bring me out of my head

"Well for one you stay busy, you're either off doing some political thing with Roman and Ricky or you have Inferno business to deal with." She says shrugging and weaves her fingers through mine over and over again.

"That's fair. What's your other reason?" I pull her in closer until she's standing in between my legs and sit down on the edge of my desk.

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