Chapter - 25

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As Phool and my friends continued to discuss my connection with Tara, a sudden realization cast a shadow over my expression. Tara, a guest in our time, faced the challenge of an impending departure. The gravity of the situation prompted Phool and the others to inquire about my shifting mood.

Phool, with her usual perceptiveness, questioned, "Dhruv, what's bothering you? Something on your mind?"

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "Well, guys, the thing is, Tara won't be staying here for long. She's a guest, and her time with us is limited."

Rudra, trying to offer a solution, suggested, "You can figure things out while she's here, right?"

I hesitated, contemplating how much to disclose. "It's not that simple. Her home, where she belongs, is incredibly far from here."

Devraj, optimistic as ever, chimed in, "Distance doesn't have to be a dealbreaker. You can work through it."

But the weight of the unspoken truth hung heavy. "It's not just about distance. Her world... it's complicated. Different."

Phool and my friends exchanged concerned glances. "Complicated? What do you mean?" Rudra pressed for more details.

Choosing to shield Tara's secret, I replied, "It's hard to explain, but her home is in a place very distant from ours. I'm not sure how we can make it work."

Phool, sensing the complexity, reassured me, "We'll support you, Dhruv. Maybe there's a way for you to visit her, wherever she's from."

I nodded, appreciating their understanding. Little did they know, the challenges went beyond physical distance. Tara's mysterious origins remained concealed, a deliberate choice to protect her from unnecessary complications.

As we navigated the uncertainties ahead, my friends and sister stood by my side, unaware of the temporal intricacies that added layers of complexity to Tara's story. In the midst of uncertainties, their unwavering support provided a comforting anchor, even if the true nature of Tara's origins remained veiled in secrecy.

Phool, always quick to offer solutions, chimed in, "Dhruv, why don't you suggest that Tara stays here? I mean, she's practically an orphan. Her uncle and brother are here. It might be good for her to have a stable environment."

Her idea lingered in the air, prompting my friends to look at me with hopeful anticipation. However, I couldn't shake the internal conflict, knowing the truth about Tara's origins.

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I finally spoke, "Phool, it's not that simple. Tara belongs where she comes from. I can't ask her to stay when her place is there."

Devraj, sensing my hesitation, encouraged me, "But Dhruv, if she's alone there, wouldn't it be better for her to stay? You can figure things out together."

I sighed, grappling with the emotional turmoil. "You don't understand. Tara's world is where she truly belongs. I can't selfishly ask her to stay just because it might be easier for me."

Rudra, always the pragmatic one, added, "Dhruv, you have to consider what's best for both of you. Maybe she'll understand and choose to stay."

I nodded, appreciating their input, but the weight of my decision persisted. "It's not about understanding or convincing, guys. It's about acknowledging where she truly belongs."

Phool, not one to back down, persisted, "But what if she wants to stay? What if that's what she needs?"

Taking a deep breath, I confessed, "I've thought about it, but I can't bring myself to suggest it. I don't have a valid reason to ask her to stay. She belongs there, not here."

My friends exchanged concerned glances, realizing the complexity of the situation. Rudra, offering words of encouragement, said, "Dhruv, sometimes the best reasons are the ones that come from the heart. If you care about her, that's reason enough."

Devraj echoed, "Yeah, man. Love is a pretty strong reason, if you ask me."

Despite their support, I grappled with the internal struggle, torn between the desire to keep Tara close and the ethical dilemma of steering her away from her true home. As I pondered the path ahead, the encouragement from my friends echoed in my mind, urging me to confront the inevitable conversation with Tara and navigate the complexities of love and responsibility.

Author's pov

In the quiet chambers away from the celebration preparations, Tara found herself in the company of her uncle, who had taken notice of her dedicated efforts for Dhruv's birthday. A subtle tension lingered in the air as Tara, uncertain about revealing her feelings, wondered how her uncle would perceive the complexity of her bond with the king.

With a warm yet inquisitive smile, Tara's uncle initiated the conversation, "Tara, my dear, as we prepare for Dhruv's celebration, I can't help but notice the special connection between you and the king. He speaks highly of you."

Tara, fidgeting slightly, replied, "Uncle, Dhruv and I are indeed good friends. He's been incredibly kind to me."

Her uncle, perceptive and kind, probed gently, "Friends, yes, but there's an undercurrent, a depth to your connection that goes beyond friendship. What is it that you're not saying, Tara?"

Tara hesitated, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "It's complicated, Uncle. We come from different worlds, different times. I'm not certain if Dhruv sees our bond in the same light."

Her uncle, leaning in with a knowing expression, encouraged her to open up, "Tell me, Tara. There's more to this story. What do you truly feel, deep within your heart?"

Tara took a deep breath before admitting, "I... I'm not sure. He's a king, and I'm not even from the same time. It's all so complicated, and I don't want to presume anything."

Her uncle, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, spoke with a gentle yet firm tone, "Love, my dear, has a way of defying expectations. It transcends time and circumstance. Have you felt something deeper for Dhruv?"

Tara, feeling the weight of her emotions, nodded, "Yes, Uncle. But what if it's one-sided? What if Dhruv doesn't share the same feelings?"

Her uncle, with a comforting smile, replied, "Love is a journey, Tara. It's okay not to have all the answers now. If your connection is genuine, Dhruv will recognize it. Trust in the unfolding of your hearts."

As Tara continued to grapple with her feelings and uncertainties, her uncle, with a mix of understanding and support, hoped to guide her through the intricacies of love, recognizing that the path ahead held both challenges and the potential for a deep, meaningful connection with Dhruv.


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