Chapter -23

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Author's pov

In the grand chamber of the royal palace adorned with regal tapestries and shimmering chandeliers,  Tara found herself surrounded by an array of vibrant fabrics and ornate decorations. Seated beside Princess Maan and Rajmata Dhara Bai, she enthusiastically suggested ideas to make Dhruv's upcoming birthday an extraordinary affair.

Tara: "Perhaps we could arrange a majestic procession through the palace grounds, with dancers and musicians to entertain Dhruv and the entire kingdom!"

Princess Maan nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Meanwhile, Rajmata Dhara Bai, with a wise smile, added, "And don't forget the exquisite feast in the evening. Dhruv has always had a fondness for culinary delights."

As they delved into more ideas, Rajmata Dhara Bai received an urgent message and excused herself from the chamber, leaving Tara and Princess Maan to continue their brainstorming session. Unbeknownst to them, Vandana, the Princess of Sumargarh, entered the chamber with a haughty demeanor, her eyes filled with envy at Tara's closeness to the royal family.

Vandana: "Oh, look who's playing the royal advisor today! Tara, always trying to impress everyone, aren't you?"

Tara, undeterred, responded gracefully, "I only wish to contribute to making ranasa's birthday memorable. It's an honor to assist in the celebration."

Vandana, fueled by jealousy, continued her taunts, "Well, isn't it convenient that you're always around, meddling in royal affairs? Perhaps you have other reasons for being so close to royal family and ranasa ."

Tara, maintaining her composure, replied, "I am here to assist and contribute, Princess Vandana. After all, it's honor to contribute in such a grand celebration."

Vandana, with a scoff, retorted, "An honor, indeed. It must be a unique privilege to be so closely involved in the affairs of the royal family".

Just as the tension escalated, Queen Devika intervened, her regal presence demanding respect. "Princess Vandana, we are welcome here as a guest in the kingdom. However, it's imperative that you show respect to Tara. She is not only a dear friend of King Dhruv but also a special guest of Rajmata Dhara Bai."

Undeterred, Vandana persisted, "Special guest or not, it's amusing to witness how much attention she receives. Perhaps she has aspirations beyond mere friendship."

Queen Devika's stern gaze met Vandana's eyes as she warned, "Tara is here as a cherished friend and the daughter of a dear friend of Rajmata. Your comments are unwarranted, and I advise you to refrain from disrespecting her. Rana Dhruvesh values her friendship, and so should you."

The air grew tense, but Tara, maintaining her grace, focused on the task at hand. The palace echoed with the bustling energy of preparations, and amidst the challenges, she remained determined to make  Dhruv's birthday an unforgettable celebration.

Exhausted from the day's preparations, Tara trod wearily through the palace corridors, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of the upcoming celebration. Lost in her own world, she rounded a corner and nearly collided with Queen Devika, who seemed to be wandering aimlessly.

Startled, Tara quickly composed herself and greeted the queen, "Your Majesty, I apologize if I startled you. Is everything alright?"

Queen Devika offered a weary smile, "No need to apologize, Tara. I find myself lost in thought more often these days. The weight of responsibilities can be overwhelming."

Concern etched on her face, Tara hesitated before speaking, "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. You've been so kind to me, and I appreciate your support."

Queen Devika sighed, her facade momentarily crumbling, "Thank you, Tara. It means a lot. Lately, I've been trying to put on a cheerful front, but there's a sadness that lingers. Day after tomorrow would have been my daughter's birthday. She and  Dhruv share the same birthdate."

Tara's heart sank, realizing the depth of Queen Devika's sorrow. "I'm truly sorry for your loss, Your Majesty. If you ever feel like sharing, I'm here to listen."

The queen nodded appreciatively, a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "I appreciate your kindness, Tara. My daughter brought so much joy into my life. Her laughter, her innocence—it's something I miss dearly. She was taken from me on the very day of her own birthday banquet."

Tara felt a pang of empathy, as if a maternal connection had formed between them. "I can't imagine the pain you've endured, Queen Devika. If there's anything I can do to ease your burden, even if it's just lending an ear, please don't hesitate to reach out."

Queen Devika smiled through the sadness, touched by Tara's genuine concern. "Thank you, Tara. Your compassion is a comfort. Now, go rest. You've worked tirelessly today. We'll ensure Dhruv's birthday celebration is a resounding success."

As Tara continued toward her chamber, a newfound understanding and connection with Queen Devika lingered in her heart. The shared sorrow had forged a bond, reminding Tara of the motherly connection she had missed since her own parents' tragic demise.

Tara stretched lazily as she woke up from a short nap, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow across the room. With a yawn, she made her way to the dining area, her thoughts still a bit hazy from sleep. As she approached, she was suddenly intercepted by Dhruv, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Dhruv, what's this excitement about?" Tara asked, her voice still carrying a hint of sleepiness.

Dhruv's eyes widened, and he leaned in, a mischievous grin on his face. "Tell me, Tara, what extraordinary gift have you prepared for my birthday?" he inquired eagerly.

Before Tara could respond, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as other guests joined the scene. Dhruv's demeanor changed instantly, his expression turning stoic and reserved, a stark contrast to the excitement he had shown just moments ago. Tara couldn't help but notice the transformation, leaving her perplexed.

The guests, seemingly oblivious to the previous exchange, engaged Dhruv in conversation, and he responded with his signature stone-hearted personality, creating an intriguing paradox between the lively curiosity and the composed exterior. Tara couldn't help but wonder if the person who excitedly asked about his gift and the person standing before her were one and the same.

Observing the two sides of Dhruv, Tara found herself intrigued by the mystery that surrounded him, pondering the complexity hidden beneath his seemingly unyielding exterior.

Tara finished her dinner, the flavors still lingering on her palate as she made her way back to her room. With a deliberate effort, she chose to ignore Dhruv, hoping to avoid the impending questions about the birthday gift. The distant hum of conversation from the dining area slowly faded as she retreated into the quiet solitude of her room.

As she closed the door behind her, Tara couldn't shake off the curiosity surrounding Dhruv's dual persona. The contrast between his inquisitive nature and his reserved demeanor intrigued her, leaving a trail of unanswered questions lingering in her mind.

Intent on avoiding further inquiries, Tara prepared for sleep, slipping into the comfort of her bed. The room gradually embraced the tranquility of the night, and she allowed the rhythmic sounds of her breath to guide her into a peaceful slumber, leaving behind the enigma of Dhruv and his birthday mystery for the night.

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