dhruv's vulnerability

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Hello everyone ,

I'm really sorry for not update chapters as scheduled but i was really caught up in many things , you know things don't always go as planned . Good thing is I'm back all good and i hope you all are well. Oh and sessions changing so take care of youself and stay hydrated and enjoy reading 👇.


Dhruv's pov

Alone in the dimly lit chamber, I find myself engulfed in the shadows of my own thoughts. The flickering lamplight dances upon the walls, casting intricate patterns that mirror the turmoil swirling within me. With trembling fingers, I trace the delicate design of Tara's pendant, its cool metal offering little solace against the weight of my sorrow.

The gold chain, adorned with a Rudraksha pendant, serves as a tangible reminder of Tara's enduring presence—a connection that transcends time and space. Yet, as I cradle it in my hand, the memories it evokes are bittersweet, tinged with the pain of loss and the fear of further heartache.

The pendant, once a symbol of love and protection, now bears witness to the scars of my past—the untimely deaths of my parents . Each touch, each caress, resurrects the ghosts of my past, haunting me with their silent pleas for justice.

"Why must I endure the burden of a kingdom plagued by betrayal and treachery?" I wonder, my voice lost in the cavernous depths of the chamber. The pain of losing my parents, the agony of witnessing Maasa's final moments—these wounds refuse to heal, festering beneath the facade of regal composure.

The scent of sandalwood lingers in the air, mingling with the bitter taste of fear that coats my tongue. The thought of losing Tara, my beloved, fills me with a dread so profound it threatens to consume me whole. The pendant, once a source of comfort, now serves as a cruel reminder of the fragility of love in a world plagued by darkness.

"Tara," I whisper, the name a prayer upon my lips. Can this pendant shield her from the shadows that encroach upon our lives? Or will it bear silent witness to yet another tragedy, another chapter in the tale of loss that stains the walls of Vijaygarh?

In the silence of the chamber, I close my eyes, seeking refuge from the storm raging within. The weight of responsibility, the looming threats that lurk beyond the palace walls—they press down upon me, threatening to crush me beneath their relentless onslaught.

"I must face the kingdom meeting with a facade of strength," I resolve, the words a hollow echo in the empty chamber. But beneath the mask of regal authority lies a heart burdened by grief, a soul weary from the ceaseless struggle against fate.

As I reopen my eyes, a single tear glistens in the candlelight, a silent testament to the pain that dwells within. The pendant hangs heavy around my neck, its presence a constant reminder of the love I dare not lose, the kingdom I must protect—at any cost.

With a exhausted sigh i went inside and layed on my bed starring the ceiling memories of past tragedy revolving in my mind . Dhruv , you're a king . You're not suppose to be weak , you have to strong for maasa , phool , maan , uday , tara , my people ....I must protect them. With a final resolution i closed my eyes and soon drifted to sleep .

I woke up with the crippling of birds and few rays to sunlight making their way to me from the small opening in the design to the wall which separate my bedroom and balcony. My hand subconsciously reached my cheek , touching the wound which is almost healed but left it's effect on my mind .

TARA : Beyond The Time ( Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now