Chapter -24

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Authors' pov

In the dimly lit chambers on the other side of the palace, Vandana's resentment simmered like an unquenchable flame. Her mother, the Second Queen of Sumargarh, noticed the turmoil within Vandana and approached with concern.

Second Queen: "Vandana, my daughter, why do I sense such anger within you? Your disposition is troubled."

Vandana, pacing restlessly, shot an accusing glance at a nearby tapestry, "Maasa , it's that commoner, Tara! She's gaining favor with everyone, especially  Dhruv. It's infuriating!"

Second Queen, with a thoughtful expression, urged Vandana to share her feelings, "Tell me, Vandana, why does Tara's presence disturb you so? Is it merely jealousy, or is there something more?"

Vandana clenched her fists, her frustration pouring out, "She's always there, offering ideas, receiving praises. And with Dhruv, she's... different. He's not the stone-hearted king everyone fears. He becomes like any other man when he's with her. It's as if she holds some power over him."

Second Queen, sensing a deeper concern, inquired, "Power or not, Vandana, it's crucial to understand your own feelings. Is it truly Tara's actions that trouble you, or is it the fear of losing favor in the eyes of Dhruv?"

Vandana hesitated, then admitted, "Perhaps it's both. I've grown accustomed to his attention , and now she threatens that. But it's not just that. It's the way he is around her. It's like he's found solace in her presence."

Second Queen, with a knowing smile, responded, "Love, my daughter, can be a complicated force. If Dhruv finds comfort in her companionship, perhaps it's worth considering the nature of their connection."

Vandana scoffed, "Love? Dhruv? That's preposterous! He's incapable of such emotions."

Second Queen, gently placing a hand on Vandana's shoulder, said, "Love can soften even the stoniest hearts. Instead of resenting Tara, try understanding what draws them together. Perhaps, in that understanding, you may find a path forward."

Vandana, though reluctant, absorbed her mother's words, the flames of jealousy momentarily subsiding as she contemplated the complex dynamics unfolding within the palace walls.
The next day dawned, and Tara continued her intentional avoidance of Dhruv. Unbeknownst to her, Princess Phool, Dhruv's sister, who had recently arrived from her in-laws, observed the situation with amusement. Intrigued by the rare spectacle of her seemingly unshakeable brother being ignored, she couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him.

"Ah,  my dear bhaisa ," Phool chimed in, her voice dripping with mischief. "What's this I see? Tara seems to be treating you like a mere shadow today. Did you forget to cast your stone-hearted spell on her, or is it a new strategy?"

Dhruv, caught off guard by his sister's teasing, raised an eyebrow but maintained his composed facade. "Phool, you always find joy in the most peculiar situations. Tara's antics are of no consequence to me."

Phool chuckled, undeterred by her brother's stoicism. "Oh, come now, Dhruv. It's not every day we witness the unshakable being shaken. I must say, Tara's ignoring game is quite strong."

Tara, overhearing the banter from a distance, couldn't help but suppress a smile at the unexpected turn of events. Princess Phool continued her playful taunts, determined to unravel the mystery behind Tara's newfound indifference and her brother's seemingly unyielding composure. The day unfolded with a subtle dance of emotions, leaving the palace abuzz with a curious energy.

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