Chapter - 22

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Author's pov

Tara swayed gently on the swing, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. The garden was bathed in a serene ambiance, and a cool breeze rustled the leaves overhead. In her hands, she held a cherished photograph of her late parents, their smiling faces frozen in time.

As Tara lost herself in memories, Dhruv arrived, his footsteps quiet on the dew-kissed grass. He watched her from a distance, captivated by the vulnerability in her eyes and the way the moonlight played on her face.

Dhruv hesitated, feeling a surge of emotions he hadn't fully recognized before. The sight of Tara, vulnerable and introspective, awakened a depth of feeling within him. With each step, he approached, drawn to her as if by an invisible force.

"Tara," he whispered, breaking the silence.

She looked up, startled but not startled, as if she sensed his presence. Her eyes, glistening with unshed tears, met his gaze.

Dhruv, unable to contain the newfound emotions, took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but notice... you seemed lost in a world of memories."

Tara managed a small smile, her fingers tracing the contours of the photograph. "It's okay, Dhruv. Sometimes, memories are all we have."

He nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. Dhruv took a step closer, his gaze unwavering. "You know, Tara, I never realized how much you've been through. And seeing you like this... it's made me realize something."

Tara looked at him, curiosity and vulnerability in her eyes. "Realize what?"

Dhruv paused, his voice steady. "That I care about you more than I thought. I want to be here for you, through the good and the bad. I want to be the one who helps you create new memories, not just relive the old ones."

The moonlight framed them, casting a soft glow on the shared moment. Tara looked at Dhruv, her heart feeling a gentle warmth, as if the moonlit garden held the promise of something new and beautiful.

A brief silence enveloped them after Dhruv's heartfelt confession. Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, Dhruv decided to lighten the mood, his mischievous side taking over.

Breaking the quiet, he chuckled and said, "You know what surprises me, Tara? We've known each other for months, and you have been helping maan handling palace affairs so you would have know about my birthday yet you never mentioned that our birthdays fall on the same day. I thought we were supposed to be the dynamic birthday duo!"

Tara looked at him, a small smile playing on her lips, grateful for the change of topic. "Is that so? Well, I guess I didn't catch that detail."

Dhruv feigned disappointment, his eyes widening in mock surprise. "And here I thought we were best friends. I've been hiding my disappointment all this time."

Tara couldn't help but laugh at his theatrical display. "Best friends, huh? I guess I'll have to make it up to you then."

Dhruv grinned, his mischievous charm returning. "Oh, absolutely! I expect a grand celebration, Tara. I have high expectations, you know."

As they bantered back and forth, the heaviness from Dhruv's earlier confession began to lift. The moonlit garden became a stage for their playful exchange, and the unspoken feelings found refuge in the camaraderie they shared. The subtle disappointment transformed into shared laughter, weaving a new thread of connection between them.

As the banter between Tara and Dhruv faded into the quiet of the early morning, they both found themselves gazing at the sky, where the first light of dawn painted the canvas with hues of pink and orange. A sense of serenity settled over the garden, and the world seemed to pause in the delicate transition between night and day.

Tara still holding the cherished photograph, looked up at the changing sky. "It's a new day," she remarked softly, as if speaking to the sunrise itself.

Dhruv, standing beside her, nodded. "Indeed. A fresh start."

They exchanged a quiet glance, a shared understanding lingering between them. Without saying much, they turned and walked in opposite directions, heading toward their respective rooms.

As Tara closed the door behind her, the room embraced her with its familiar comfort. She placed the photograph on a bedside table, a silent acknowledgment to the memories she held dear. The dawn's light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow that hinted at the promise of a new beginning.

In his room, Dhruv glanced out of the window, watching the world wake up to a new day. The mischievous glint in his eyes softened as he reflected on the vulnerability he had revealed earlier. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of both uncertainty and anticipation for what lay ahead.

And so, with the dawn as their witness, Tara and Dhruv retired to their rooms, each carrying the echoes of the night's conversations and the subtle shifts in their connection. The garden, now bathed in the soft light of morning, held the promise of endless possibilities as a new capter unfolded.



hello everyone ,
here I'm back with regular updates . I tried to write in different style in this chapter . remember to give me feedback pretty please (☆^ー^☆)

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