Bonus Chapter

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Dedicated to zoodiebug on her request for a bonus chapter.

Lily POV

"Ma'am, you look quite pale, have you had your breakfast" the hotel room service lady said while I was relaxing.

"Just came out of a meeting, needed a break but if you don't mind... I would like some chips and dip with little to no onion"

"Sure" she said leaving my room.

As she left I was about to shut my eyes, I heard my phone ring, looking at it, 'Kieran's' name popped up on my screen.

It's so funny that six years has passed by.

Life got way stressful but having Kieran by my side did help balance my life.

The leech attack seized, Madi got married and had her first kid 4 years back, Lexi refused to have another child, Mai and Owen got engaged, I had another child three years back, I achieved all my degrees in archaeology, and sadly, Brittney still can't be found...

So yeah a lot has indeed happened within this period of time.

But I won't say I did get a fairytale happily ever after. To some point I did have it with Kieran but not in all areas of my life.

My babies grew to hate my presence; I was the fun one while Kieran was the strict one but they grew to detach from me and completely adored Kieran.

At first I thought it was just a stage but as they grew, I knew it was no stage... yeah there are times they tend to snap out of it but the same way they snap out of it, it returns like they're being controlled.

It started with Tobias when he was around two years, he stopped letting me carry him or feed him or cuddle with him before he sleeps. I tried solving it by myself; researching about such detachment but I couldn't find any relateable result because I had never abused him either physically, emotionally or mentally. Also he hadn't started schooling so I couldn't say it was peer influence.

Soon Kieran caught unto my research and tried to reassure me that it was just a stage. He tried speaking to Tobias who would always give me a forced apology.

Then my baby girl, Natalia was born and Tobias was totally awesome with her. Playing the role of the perfect older brother. That didn't change his attitude towards me no matter what I tried and my greatest fear came true when I started noticing the same behavior from my daughter also at the age of two.

My mom then found out somehow and tried convincing me that it was alright but I knew it wasn't, I knew it wasn't a stage and I knew they wouldn't grow out of it.

So the first opportunity I got for a breather, I took it which landed me in this archaeologist conference. Thanks to Kieran's support I was able to bag all my degrees and become a somebody.

I've been away from home for a month going to two months but I was just trying to plan out my next move.

"You'll be alright. You have me remember " Reina's voice echoed in my head.

I broke out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

I opened it and the room service lady entered my suite, dropping my food on the table.

I thanked her and she smiled before looking at me confused.


"Your phone has been ringing since I came in"

As she said that I turned to the bed where my phone was and it was indeed still ringing with Kieran's name still floating on my screen.


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