Chapter 17.

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Please don't be shy to answer the questions at the end of each chapter. No one is here to judge you but interact and have fun. Love you guys 💖💖💖

Lily POV

"Hey" I didn't know what else to tell him.

"Moonshine, have you had breakfast" he asked finally looking up at me.

"Yes, I had some"

"Did you want something" he asked.

"Are you always so formal?" because even in bed you act like you're with your client "wow, I love this. Mine always gets missing because I usually get addicted to it which makes mum or Amanda throw it away and claim it got missing.

It was a Rubik's cube but his own had neon lights inside which served as a glow in the dark stuff.

"It's just a... No, I'm not-" he sucked in a breath when my torso grazed his back. "Formal"

"hmm? Oh, yeah, you are. You remind me of my statistics professor in fresh man year of college."

"You took a statistics"

"Have to"

"Can you not stand there?" Kieran said and I noticed his body tense a little.

"Where? Behind you?" I laughed patting his shoulders lightly like we were drinking buddies and I just made a joke. "I can't be in front of you. There's a whole lot of paperwork in my way".

"You talk a lot"

I laughed "only because you're talking back. Isn't that how it works?"

He was speechless. Instead he pulled me to his laps and tugged my hoodie off. His eyes darkened and then he growled very deeply.

"I did this?" he asked still growling


"This marks. I did this, right"

"What's the big deal"

"I hurt you, that's the big problem- and I don't think I can keep doing that to you"

"What do you mean" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"You know what I mean"

"Kieran you can't be serious. Just because of some hickeys you will not sleep with me again?"

"I need to get some breakfast" he said and made me get off his laps and proceeded out of the office

"Kieran don't be like this. I don't know about you but last night... was the best night of my life. Come on Kieran..." I said wrapping my hands slowly around his neck. Standing on my tip toes, I leaned in, stroking the side of his neck with my thumb.

I kissed him and after a second he responded. He hoisted me up by my waist and my fingers went through his silky hair. Kieran pulled out some seconds later much to my dismay.

"I'm sorry, Moonshine" he said putting me down and leaving the office with me groaning and plopping down on his office couch.


"Madi, please let me expla-"

"Why didn't you tell me" Amanda said interrupting me again.

"I didn't kn-"

"I thought you trusted me, Chica"

"LET ME FUCKING EXPLAIN" I screamed at her. I've been trying to explain for the last ten minutes and she keeps interrupting. "You have every right to be angry and upset but I'm trying to explain everything"

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