Chapter 21.

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Dedicated to Kitten_Kraze for supporting me and making me feel the need to write more chapters.

Lily POV

The pack was quite quiet when Kieran left even during training hours which was led by Andrew and it was peaceful. I waited for his calls everyday because I actually thought he would keep to his promise. I started leaving my phone turned on when I sleep in order not to miss his call.

I even tried to call him every minute I have and it always goes to voicemail and he never returns them which was honestly annoying. I felt jealous when Andrew delivered messages from Ryan to Amanda. Ryan couldn't mind link Amanda since they haven't completed their mating process.

The worst part was a week passed and I have heard nothing from him and today was the school trip which I wanted to go on. I packed my stuff and left a note on Kieran's side table.

💖💖 Lily

I know it's a shitty note but I did not have it in me to start writing a long explanation.

Hopefully he'll ask Amanda.

I left the room locking it with a spare key Kieran had given to me.

"Luna, may I ask of your whereabouts?" a guard asked me when he saw my bags.

It's their job

I chanted in my head because I was close to erupting due to the anger that has been building up in my chest.

"I have a school trip" I answered simply and when I was about leave, the guard grabbed me by my arm. I glared at him before my eyes gazed at his hand on mine, his eyes must have followed mine to where his hand is. His eyes widened before abruptly removing it.

"I'm so sorry Luna. Please have mercy" he begged profusely.

I waved it off " it's not a big deal. If anyone is curious about my trip they can ask Amanda" with that I left. Amanda dropped me off at the assigned place we were told to wait. I was surprised when I saw Owen.

"Were you kicked out of your apartment?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Nope, I lost a bet and this is my punishment." he said making me laugh.

I stopped laughing when I saw the girl Owen was making out with in the bus during one of our trips to our educational excavation grounds, staring at him...well his back since he had his back to her. She looked sad and her frown became more livid when Owen placed his arm around my shoulder as he continued to talk.

"Hey Owen I'll be back" I said and left without getting a response from him.

Let me get things straight with her, I don't feel like having more enemies.

I was up to her and her frown turned into confusion.

"Hi..." I started to talk but she cut me off

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be staring at your boyfriend like that" she rushed out bowing her head to look at her gorgeous shoes.

Remind me to ask her where she got them.

I was still staring at her shoes in awe when what she said finally processed in my head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be staring at your boyfriend like that"


Owen, my boyfriend?

Never ever!

I giggled a little at the thought and it seemed to get her angry.

"You don't have to mean, you know" she snapped and I stopped laughing... I tried to control my laughter from creating a bigger problem with her but if was very difficult.

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