Chapter 10.

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Dedicated to cassiecrawford067 for her support and inspiration.

Lily POV

Amanda opened the door all dressed up, I was quite angry that she had interrupted Kieran and I 's moment but now the question I had in mind was to ask her "where she was going to and what was going on". She looked extremely hot with her usual red lipstick.

"what's the occasion, amiga" I asked her as she was searching her bag for something.

"oh, Lily, you're back. where have you been" she asked still looking through her bag.

"I ran into Kieran after my shift, then I went over to his house and he dropped me off here" I said making my way into the apartment. "what are you searching for"

"my keys and a contact card. I thought I dropped it in my bag but it isn't anywhere in sight". She said finally pouring the content of her bag on the counter.

I made my way to my room, got my nighties and went to take a shower. I finished, wore a female brief which was really short and a loose singlet then went to get the hair dryer from Amanda's room. While I was looking for where she dropped it I heard her mumbling "this can't be happening, I'm late, very late". I decided to leave the hair dryer and help her look for the card.

"okay, you can take my keys as for the card do you remember the last place you were with it." I asked while looking around the living room.

"well I was in the car when I got it and I was also with this bag. I remember dropping it in the bag"

"what if, it fell in the car. Just check, then call me if you find it"

She nodded and packed her bag content back into her bag before rushing out of the apartment. I sighed and went back to looking for the hair dryer and found it my room. I laughed at myself for my stupidity. I started blow drying my hair and singing more like humming. I finished and when back to the bathroom to finalize my facial beauty routine. I used my facial mask then moisturized before heading to bed.

After shutting my eyes for like 5 minutes, I heard a knock on my bedroom door making me to groan.


I huffed then turned, covering myself with the duvet and putting a pillow over my head. Again as I started falling back asleep I heard a knock again. I groaned loudly and got out of bed ready to scream at Amanda. As I opened the door, I saw a very tired looking Kieran.

"Kieran, what are you doing here" I said

"you forgot your phone in my car"

"oh!, you didn't have to bring it this night. Where were you when you noticed it"

"it's not a problem, Amanda called you. I'll be leaving now" he said pecking my forehead before turning to leave.

"Will you be able to make it back, can't you call Ryan or maybe your driver to come get you." I said tiredly resting on the door frame.

"I can manage, go back to bed".

"Then you can sleep here and leave tomorrow morning."

"I have to go for a run with my pack tomorrow morning by 6am but thanks for offering. Now back to bed."

"I can't sleep anymore knowing you are tired and stressed"

"come on, let's get you back to bed" he said rubbing his eyes and leading me back inside my room. He allowed me to cuddle with him, I rested my head on his chest with his hand around my waist and in no time I fell asleep not before hearing his steady breath showing that he was sleeping.

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