Chapter 6.

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Kieran POV

"What do you mean by they are still bringing her over" I growled angrily by wolf making an appearance.

"Well you see, she is from a pack quite far away so they insisted that she stays her for a minimum of a week before she returns to her pack". Ryan said looking anywhere but at me.

"insisted. I don't fucking remember them being the King. I don't want some bitch in my territory, that's final." I said

"Kieran, you know Malford will never listen. Just for a week then she'll be out of your hair" Ryan said.

"Well, I don't want to cross paths with her till she gone." Rex said. Rex is my wolf and he isn't like any other. I got my wolf very early, at age seven, after my parents had died. He has been the only person I could really depend on.

"Kieran, the council has arrived with some chick. Probably their newest addition" Andrew barged into my office with the announcement.

"so much for not crossing my path. Let's go and check on mate" Rex said in my head.

"Kieran, they're are waiting for you, aren't you going to meet them" Andrew asked.

"This isn't the first time they have come by, don't they know the way to my office by now or are they too old to remember"
I said angrily.

"Sitting up here while they are waiting to be welcomed is a sign of disrespect, dude" Ryan said looking serious.

"and bringing another she wolf for me to marry while I've found mine is a sign of disrespect" I said not looking up from my laptop as I finished several reports in two minutes.  "if they don't want to come up because I didn't come down to welcome them then show them out the door."

"Never mind, they are coming up" Andrew said from the couch he was sitting on.

"Ryan, why don't you check on her, make sure she doesn't throw a tantrum" I ordered Ryan and he left immediately.

Minutes later, Malford and his council colleagues strolled into my office. They all had an angry expression on their face.

"Kieran, your behaviour is becoming out of hand and it is totally unacceptable. I do not deserve this level of disrespect" Malford said slamming his fist on my table. I looked up for a quick second before nodding and continuing my work.

"Kieran, look at me when I'm speaking to you". Malford shouted.

I looked up and stood up towering over him. "You are the council but I am your King. My rulings supersedes yours and I won't hesitant to use such authority to my favour. Don't test my patience with your bullshit. State what you came for and do me a favour and leave" my voice was much deeper and scarier. I felt my canines extend and my eyes change colour. Rex was present.

Regaining their confidence, one of the council lady, Victoria said "it is surely not of great joy to me but we have brought to your presence, your replacement mate"

"So what happens when I find mine" I said in a serious tone.

"it depends when"

"what the fuck do you mean" I asked furious

"well, if you find her before you introduce Avalon as your mate then Avalon will return to her former pack but if after the introduction, you will have to reject her" the council lady explained

"You tell me, can you reject your mate for a replacement" I said it harshly referring to Avalon whose face fell.

"you're probably never gonna see her. She might be married or even dead" the little bitch finally talked, Avalon.

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