Chapter 9.

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Lily POV

Kieran did keep up to his promise this time. We constantly met up and chatted and it felt good to be in his presence regularly. Though, I haven't been to his palace for the time being.

Me: I'm missing Alexis, do you have her number?

Me: are you in a meeting.

Me: hey, sorry if I'm disturbing you. I'm just bored about to go for a class.

I shut my phone and started getting ready for my class. Today was very dull so the field class was cancelled at the last minute.

Again, Amanda took my car, and today was quite scary. It looked very cloudy and dark like it was about to rain heavily but nothing happened.

Thirty minutes before my class started I left for school. I really didn't feel like walking due to the weather. I hailed a cab and got to class. It's better to be in the school when the rain starts than at home still procrastinating.

I got to school and went to the cafeteria to get something to eat since I didn't eat anything before leaving the house. I got some french toast and orange juice. After eating I went to the vending machine to get myself a couple granola bars which I kept in my bag.

When my class started, I was already in my seat. Our teacher was teaching us about the wonders of archeology and some lucky people.

"... and even a woman, an adventurer went hiking and came upon a tree stump. It looked plain and boring but then she decided to know if it will lead her to wonderland but instead she found a bone structure, after much digging she found the full wrist and fingers of what looked like a woman's due to the emerald green, red and blue rings on the dead person's fingers. It turned out to be that of one of the police's missing case victim. Archeology is super..." she was cut off by a loud noise. A notification tone to be specific and it kept on coming on. It was very familiar.

Then it hit me

It was my phone, and messages were coming in. I immediately put it on silent and when I turned to look back at her and gave her an apologetic look before nodding for her to continue, she just sighed shaking her head. I was probably red from blushing due to embarrassment so I just looked down and I saw some were from Kieran so I chose to ignore it just like he did, besides I'm busy right now.

"Please can everyone put their phone on silent whenever you're in my class" she said as someone else's phone started ringing. She surprisingly ended the class on a good note. 

I really do not want to be in any lecturer's bad book. I just want to finish and leave this place with a clean record.

I left the class and started walking towards the stairs since it was my last class of the day and decided to read the messages quickly as I was heading straight for my shift when I bumped into something.

The wall.

I looked around and was glad that no one saw me. I ran downstairs to hail a cab. Then took my time to read the text.

Alpha grumpy: No, I don't have her number.
Read 13:47

Alpha grumpy: I was in a meeting without my phone
Read 13:47

Alpha grumpy: not a problem. Your class ends by?
Read 13:47

Me: it has ended but my shift is about to start. I'll be off by 4pm.

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