Chapter 29.

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Lily POV

"I was thinking of maybe a beach date" Owen said dreamily as he was trying to come up with an idea for the surprise date he wants to take Mai on.

Yep. They are now official.

"Yeah, during the night time when the stars are out and bright" I said imagining myself on a date.

Owen just stared at me like I was dumb "No, in the daytime when it's packed up with people and children running about" he retorted sarcastically.

"Bully" I said trying to hold up my serious face but failed miserably "infact, I'm not helping you again and I'll probably invite Mai for a girls' night so she'll be absent from your date, which I was being a nice friend helping you to come up with" I said with a sinister grin.

And all he did was scoff, I glared at him before we both reached for our phones for the same reason. I was about to dial Mai's number when Mr Colton approached us.

"I'll be back in a sec" as I walked away he stuck his tongue out to me as Mai answered his call.

Great! Now his swollen egoistical head will get bigger.

I had to meet up with Mr Colton due to my research. I left Owen who instantly got into a conversation with Mai.

"Mr Colton, it's so nice to see you. I'm sorry I've not been able to get back to you on the whole research stuff". I said politely

"It's not a problem, we all are busy and now your finals are approaching, you can suspend it for the while being but have you found anything yet about it".

"It seems like it was created in a lab but something went wrong, it crazed in nature and looks violent"

"Have you come in contact with it?" he looked at me suspiciously.

"Impossible, I don't even wish to. I saw it on a website and when I went back to get more info, it was already put down like someone does not want it out in the open"

"Great work so far, I can assure you extra credits for your hard work"

I nodded with a smile before leaving his presence.

I immediately called Mia since I couldn't find Owen any where.

"Gurl, tell me you told him 'no'" I asked immediately as she picked up.

"Um... I didn't. Why should I have told him that? You know it's not everyday we go on dates?" Mai whined nervously.

"I'm just kidding but I wanted to show him that you love my company more than his. Now, all he's going to be doing everytime we meet is brag"

"Should we trick him? I can pretend to change my mind" she said laughing.

"Owen will literally kill me, please don't. Enjoy your date but keep your Saturday schedule free because it's our girls' day out."

"Okay, I'm about to get ready"

"That reminds me, Ms Lee, why weren't you present for the field trip today?"

"Didn't feel like coming? I was lazy and I couldn't tolerate the sun and stress today. Sorry"

"No problem, see you later"


We hung up and I ended up bumping into someone.

Malford's assistant

"Just the person I was looking for"

"Are you sure it's me" I asked puzzled

Does this guy even know me, I know we met once but that's it and this is a freaking college with thousands of people.

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