Chapter 26.

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Kieran POV

"..., so what is your point" I asked Malford as we were once again in a meeting about the new supernatural but this time we invited our greatest enemies to question them.

"It has to be them, who else kills humans and our kind for no reason" Malford sneered loudly accusing our enemies in their presence which was making them more angry.

"Malford, please stop being childish, it's not expected of you" the former vampire king said with a cold glare.

"Says a bloodsucker" Malford growled.

"Coming from a cannibal" the new vampire king hissed.

"Can we all behave mature and settle this matter before us before getting on each other's throats" I said directing my annoyed looked at Malford who keeps accusing them without letting them speak.

"Are you speaking to me" Malford growled at me standing up glaring at me.

Before I could react, Andrew and Ryan already had him pinned to the wall growling at him.

"Malford, please leave with your colleagues. Don't make me say it twice" Rex snarled lowly as he took control due to the disrespect.

Malford and his colleagues turned red in embarrassment but I wasn't having any of it. With their heads held down they awkwardly exited my office.

"Now can we progress?" I said to the vampires who were all having an amused look on their faces.

It's not like I can stand them but my subjects are at risk so I have to tolerate these cold creeps.

After everyone calmed down we continued on my questioning.

"Have you guys had any report of such?" Andrew asked them.

The vampire king, whose name is Dylan spoke up after having a mental communication with his parents "Yes but just two of our people"

"Aren't you guys like dead, the creature doesn't eat it's victims when they are dead" Ryan commented out his thoughts and when he realized he added "no offense please"

"None taken. Not all of us a pure vampires, most vampires mostly the dhampirs. They are mostly half human since they like to mate with humans so they have blood in their life streams but they are still vampire. Did you understand that?" Dylan asked with a smirk.

"Of course, you're talking about protector vampires, right" Ryan said with a smug smile.

"Right, you did your research" he replied.

"Were their death investigated?" I said bringing them back to the main topic.

"We honestly thought it was your kinds doing. You know werewolves are so keen to fresh meat" another vampire said.

"like your flesh can meet our standards. Dead, cold, skinny flesh" Rex said angrily.

"As you are to blood. Can we put our differences apart so we can have a peaceful meeting" I said with a straight face.

Before they could respond, there was a knock on my office door which drew all of our gaze to it. I looked at Andrew who went to answer the door, as he opened the door, the scent of the person I haven't seen since morning blocked my senses.

"it's the girls" Andrew mind linked us.

"take care of them". I replied

"Lily has something important to ask you, Kieran. She's whining here with the girls" Andrew said groaning.

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