Chapter 28.

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Kieran POV

I was sitting in my car waiting for Ryan and Andrew to get ready. We were heading to the annual parks fest and as King I am expected to be there.

Moonshine is still on bedrest and the thought of what happened that night still tenses me up.


"How did you get in" I said in my usual cold tone with a matching glare.

The two who were knocked up were revived while the other two who were apparently struck by lightening were still slipping in and out of consciousness, so they were of no use.

"...g-going to w-win and y-you will l-lose it a-all" he mumbled exposing his disgusting coloured teeth.

I gave the cell guard the look making him to inject the rogue with some extra dose of silver.

His scream of agony filled the dungeons.  He sneered for some time before a smirk came to his face.

I have never seen a rogue so loyal to anything before and I do know, this attack wasn't for their interest.

For goodness sake, this is the royal pack!

"Your mate did put up quite a fight, pretty weak but..." the second one trailed off.

I didn't hear his last words as someone was trying to mindlink me even with my walls up. I blocked out the person before returning my focus back to the rogues.

"Q-quite a s-simple pl-plan."

"Get the perfect victim, attack girl, weaken the Luna and leave the rest to death" the second one said in a slow sinister tone.

My blood started to boil as I felt Rex take control.

He slammed the rogue who said their plan out to the wall and I felt myself losing control over him, something which doesn't happen. My hand went to his neck, chocking him of the precious air he needs to survive.

I felt a hammering headache but choose to ignore it as all my anger was channelled to the idiot in front of me.

"C-choking i-i-is a lovely w-way of d-dying. T-the Luna c-can r-re-relate." he said with a weird smug look before his eyes rolled back.

I looked at Andrew who stood quietly behind me, "Kill them all, make sure it's the cruelest way possible"

"of course, please do check up on your mate, I heard she didn't have dinner tonight"

With a curt nod, I left the dungeons and headed back to the palace. It is quite far so I shifted into my wolf with my clothes in my mouth.

I shifted back when I got to the palace. I went straight to my room to check up on Lily and even ordered some omegas to get some food ready for her.

I was already in my wing when I started feeling odd, like the life in me was being sucked out; my vision faded but came back. My legs felt like they would give up anytime soon.

"Good evening Your Majesty" the guards greeted in unison.

I nodded and proceeded to my room. "Did she leave?" I asked the guards stationed at my door.

"No, she only asked why we were here. I haven't heard another sound from her, so I guess she's asleep"

How will you hear another sound when the room is fucking soundproof.

"Thanks, you may go back home. Tell them to bring in the next batch for tonight"

I tried opening it but remembered I told them to lock her in. I took my own spare key and opened it well tried to but something was obstructing it.

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