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Follow Liana through the her crazy adventure. Don't forget to vote, comment your thoughts and share.

Liliana Daphne Blackburn

Liliana Daphne Blackburn

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Kieran Everette

Kieran Everette

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Amanda Millers

Amanda Millers

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Ryan Everette

Alexis Cohern

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Alexis Cohern

Andrew Cohern

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Andrew Cohern

Avalon Witchburn

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Avalon Witchburn

Avalon Witchburn

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Lily's mom

Dylan Maxwell

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Dylan Maxwell

And these are the characters

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And these are the characters.

Please note that this book "Liana" is only available on Wattpad, so please, do report any other sighting of my book on any other website or app to me, thanks a million.

Hope you love it.

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