Chapter 39.

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Her face scrunched up with worry, she licked her lips and after much hesitation she asked "Your mate? Not that I'm intruding"

"No, just one that kinda roughly approached me in the mall. The guards took care of him"

"oh" she left and came back with her supplies before tending to my hand. I did flinch and wince every second because Reina was concealed but I was once human so I tried to endure the pain like a champ.

Who am I kidding

I was a weeping mess.


The cast was wrapped nicely and comfortably around my broken arm but that didn't stop the pain.

Immediately I got into the palace, Madi ran up to me.

"Are you alright? Lexi said you broke your arm" she asked genuinely worried after she pulled out from our hug.

Waving the cast at her face "Yeah, have to tick that off my bucket list" I said trying to distract myself from the pain.

She looked around, before tugging me towards my room. "What about Reina, can't she help you with the pain?"

"Well, I'm within the borders so I can't. Remember dad's warning"

"Yeah. Sorry I can't help"

"It's not your fault in any way"

She got my makeup removal wipes and helped me clean my face gently.

"So how did it happen?"

"So where have you been all day?"

We said at the exact same time. We both nervously laughed and waved it off.

"You missed training today" I said confused because she loves training with me, well that's what I think.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, had a bad stomach cramps this morning. I literally couldn't leave the bed.

"But you're alright now?"

"Yeah, I am"

We talked and played around and laughed before a maid came to announce that dinner is ready.

Are we having a joint dinner today.

What's the occasion

"Anything happening today that I don't know off?" I asked her as she was fixing my hair.

"Nope! Ryan just convinced him to let us have dinner together. Guess it's his way of trying to unite us... and we are done" she finished indicating at my hair.

I smiled at the ponytail she styled my hair into before she started doing hers.

We got to the dinner and the first thing I noticed was the eye contact Ryan, Andrew, Madi and Lexi passed within themselves.

Am I missing something.

I sat down next to Madi and I noticed confusion and a frown made its way to their faces except Madi.

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