Chaptper 7.

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Please don't be shy to answer the questions at the end of each chapter. No one is here to judge you but interact and have fun. Love you guys 💖💖💖

Lily POV

He did send a girl named Alexis over after he left to show me around. I thought she was his assistant or something but it turned out that's she Andrew, Kieran's third in command's mate.

That word.


Sounds fun

"Hi I'm Liliana but everyone all me Lily. You must be Alexis"

"He marked you already. Your scent has a hint of his" she squealed

"What do you mean by marked". I asked

"Kieran, that piece of shit. He marked you without your consent. I'm going to beat his ass today". She said clearly bluffing but it took my mind off my situation. I ended up giggling and she smiled. "come on, I'm expected to show you around".

Atleast I can finally find an escape route.

I jumped out of the bed and followed her closely as she was showing me around. As we got to the stairs I was shocked to my bone marrow.

Where the hell am i

there were several stairs on each floor and this was just the central stairs in Kieran's wing

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there were several stairs on each floor and this was just the central stairs in Kieran's wing. He stays in the west wing of this castle.

Yes. A frickin Castle

"You guys stay here" I asked

"yeah, but in the east wing. Only Kieran stays here in the west wing. And it is heavily guarded in case you haven't noticed. I then looked around and noticed the line of guards. I was in awe that I didn't even notice them. They were so still and blended well with the wall behind them.

"so they just stand here all day. Isn't that a bit cruel" I said

"What, that's torture, they all have their breaks which usually for 3 hours and they are all allowed home at night to stay with there mate but a few must be present. By the way, this is the general dining. Used only 3 times a year; new year, 25 July and Christmas"

"okay, weird." I said more to myself than her but she heard me.

"you can ask Kieran to adjust it, I'm sure he would listen to you"

"I'll pass"

"Kieran's private dining and kitchen is in his wing. Do you want to outside?"

"of course" and as we left Kieran's wing to go outside I saw a room overlooking the stairs and Alexis told me that it was Kieran's office. It overlooked the main stairs that leads to either the west or east wing.

When we got outside I was dumbfounded.

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