Chapter 20.

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Lily POV

We moved most if not all of my stuff to the palace yesterday because I really wanted to be more involved in pack activities and functions. Amanda is still alternating between our apartment and staying with Ryan.

Kieran, the big ass apologized when I woke up and tricked me into training the next day. Thanks to him I've kinda mastered three elements which are water; I can levitate it, freeze it and make it boil.

Cool right?

Earth; I can create boundaries and a protective impenetrable wall. Air; I can regulate the temperature around me and I can also make the air very heavy that it would be hard to breathe around a particular place.

I can make forts with any of these elements and the final element is fire which is very hard to control since I have to create one out of thin air. I also noticed that my powers are stronger when I'm angry and I'm able to create Lightning Bolts from the sky which is the closest the fire element because it can cause fire.

But all these elements don't work on Kieran no matter how and when I test them out on him. I falls apart inches close to him. It's only my forts that stands strong and can't be penetrated by any single person.

I am currently roaming around the Palace looking for something to entertain myself before I head for class and then my royal lesson when I bumped into Amanda.


"Chica, did you know I have to start taking some 'classes' because I'm Ryan's mate"

"I saw that coming but I wasn't sure. Anyway, do you wanna come with me to this garden Kieran told me about it morning" I pouted.

"Is it restricted?" she asked knowing I love doing things that piss off others.

"Nope, I don't think so"

"Then lead the way but I can't stay long, I have a class in an hour time" she linked her arm with with mine as I navigated through the pack.

"me too"

We ended up asking some guards for directions as we got missing three times and when we finally got there with the help of the guard who decided it would be better if he led the way, we were awestruck.

It was beautiful. Mixed with various fragrance of different flowers. There was also this little pond with a lot of water lilies. To the left side there was this gorgeous gazebo decorated with flowers and I couldn't stop myself from running to it.

It was so cool and fairy tale like. "This is the life" I said as Amanda reached the gazebo.

"Definitely, I don't want to leave"

"You can say that again"

My eyes darted back to the pond and I longed to show off my water element to Amanda but decided against it. I hated hiding things from her.

We talked about this new world and when she's going to move in but was cut off by her phone chiming.

"oh well, we've gotta go. Fifteen minutes before class starts" Amanda said looking at her phone.

I groaned before getting up "let's get going. I'll met you downstairs, I have to tell Kieran".

"Fine but why can't you just call him"

"He'll think I don't want to see him directly, like I'm avoiding him or hiding something" I said speaking from experience.

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