Chapter 19.

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Lily POV

"wake up, Moonshine" I felt someone shake me lightly.

"go away" I grabbed the closest pillow to me and covered my face groaning loudly.

"it's 10 in the morning"

"please... go away" I groaned loudly turning to back the source of the voice.

The silence pleased me and right when I was about to fall back asleep, I was lifted by someone and placed over the person's shoulder.

I felt frustrated and did the only thing that came to my sleepy mind, I started punching, pounding and hitting the person's back.

I ended up being dropped in a tub filled with warm water, soaking my night gown.

I saw Kieran getting a towel hanging it next to the tub before coming back to me. I gave him the most lethal glare I could muster.

"Was this necessary" I asked crossing my arms.

"Since you're awake, have a shower and meet me in my office when you're done. I won't like it if you went back to bed"

"just go" I groaned and as he left I closed my eyes sinking slightly deeper into the tub.

Kieran will probably get mad if he comes back here and sees me napping in a tub filled with water. My sleepy mind reasoned.

This was the first time Kieran was even waking me up this early.

Taking off my wet nightie, I had my bath then left and wore a black hoodie and shorts with my black vans.

"Kieran! Explain to me right now your reason for waking me up this early" I said I barged into Kieran's office.

I looked around and saw only Andrew on the couch with his eyes shut in the office.

Looks like it's not only me who's tired.

"Hey Andrew" I said plopping next to him on the couch.

"Morning Lily" he said giving me a warm smile

"Is there any event occurring today?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"I was just wandering what got into Kieran's head this morning that made him wake me up very early and now he isn't even here to explain himself" I whined running my fingers through my hair.

Andrew laughed at me, looked at me then at Kieran's table then back at me before laughing again.

I gave him a questioning look which turned into a glare in no time. "I'm sorry sorry Lily." he started trying to calm himself down from laughing "he probably woke you up by 10am and you are complaining"

Of course I am. I wake up when my body wants to wake up besides I need my beauty sleep.

"The pack wakes up by 7:30 every morning if not earlier for pack runs and training"

I kept quiet looking quite embarrassed. "it's not my fault. I'm not a morning person" I mumbled.

"Sorry to hear that, so when do you wake up"

"Depends on the day, school days I'm up by 9am while on weekends like today, I wake up by 12"

"Not even when I am on a vacation" Andrew laughed.

"Give it a shot" Kieran said as we were in the middle of the forest for my training.

"What am I to say? water levitate?" I said with a stretched hand over the lake

Kieran's reason for waking me up early today was for us to start practicing how to use my powers. And apparently we started with testing if I had water power stuff which still sounds stupid.

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