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I heaved the last suitcase into the trunk, its weight making a dull thud as it settled among the others. Closing the trunk with a satisfying click, I dusted my hands off and turned to see Tristan already in the driver's seat, a warm smile playing on his lips. His presence had a calming effect on me, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness.

I jumped inside the car, the anticipation of the impending journey building in my chest. Tristan leaned over, meeting me halfway for a small, sweet kiss. The brief connection of our lips spoke volumes, a shared understanding of the excitement ahead. He pulled away, his eyes gleaming with affection.

"You ready to head home?" Tristan asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

I grinned, the prospect of spending spring break with our families and friends bubbling up inside me. 

"Yeah, let's go."

Tristan started the car, the engine purring to life as he navigated out of the campus parking lot. The familiar sights of the university faded away, and the open road beckoned us toward home. The anticipation grew with each passing mile, and I couldn't help but steal glances at Tristan, whose hands expertly maneuvered the steering wheel.

As we left the campus behind, my mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming reunion. Joanna, who had taken an early break from business school, was already home. Shay had flown in from Cambridge, and Josh had arrived just last night from California. The prospect of being surrounded by my closest friends after months of separation filled me with joy.

I couldn't wait to catch up with them, to share the stories that couldn't be conveyed through constant text messages and FaceTime calls. The warmth of their presence, the laughter, and the shared memories were what I longed for. Spring break promised not just a break from academics but a reunion of souls, a chance to create new memories that would linger long after the break was over.

As Tristan navigated the car down the highway, I looked out the window, a smile on my face. Home was not just a destination; it was where the heart found solace, where connections deepened, and where friendships thrived. I couldn't wait to be there, surrounded by the people who made every journey worthwhile.

My phone, was already in my hand, and with a few taps, it was connected to the Bluetooth in the car.

I scrolled through my playlists, fingers dancing over the screen until I found it – "Nobody's Business" by Rihanna. The opening chords echoed through the car speakers, and I couldn't help but smile. This was my anthem, my go-to, a track that never failed to lift my spirits.

As the beat kicked in, I turned up the volume, the music vibrating through the car. I took a deep breath and, without thinking, began to belt out the lyrics. 

"You'll always be mine, sing it to the world!" I sang, my voice filling the car.

I glanced over at Tristan, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Without missing a beat, he joined in, his voice harmonizing with mine. We were lost in the moment, the music surrounding us, cocooning us from the outside world.

We hit a red light, and as the car slowed to a stop, I turned to Tristan, our laughter bubbling up. The drivers in the opposite lane looked our way, eyebrows raised, some even chuckling at the spectacle unfolding in our little bubble of joy.

But we didn't care. The music was our sanctuary, and the car, our stage. As the chorus approached, we cranked up the volume, our voices reaching a crescendo. 

"It ain't nobody's business, just mine and my baby!" we sang at the top of our lungs, the words a declaration of freedom.

The light turned green, but we lingered in that suspended moment. The song reached its end, and as the final notes faded away, we exchanged a look, and laughter erupted. It was infectious, a shared joy that transcended the ordinary.

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